  • 期刊


Sinophone Community in Singapore: A Case Study on the Films of Jack Neo and Royston Tan




This article attempts to place the Singaporean Sinophone community re-presented in the films of Jack Neo and Royston Tan back into the political context of contemporary Singaporean society generated by the historical re-presentation of ”de-sinicization” to ”de-Chineseness”, and to examine the operability of, and challenges in, the use of Sinophone theories in the Singaporean context. After all, in comparison to the English language, which entered the Singaporean and Malaysian field with colonialism and formed a hegemony that has lasted up to the present day, the Chinese script/standard Sinitic script/standard Sinitic language has never been a colonial language of Singapore and Malaysia. The ”Chinese language” in Singapore and Malaysia has already become a ”minority language” in local mainstream culture. This article holds that taking a time-based and place-based approach can enable a more layered reflection on analyses of ”Chineseness”, and that placement into the Singaporean and Malaysian Sinophone literary culture field is necessary. ”Sinicization” is but one element in Singaporean ”Chineseness”: ”Chineseness” also includes other non-Chinese elements like ”acculturation” to local ethnic groups. This article holds that it is necessary to make a distinction between ”sinicization” and ”Chineseness” in order to more accurately describe the development of Singaporean Chinese society and individuals through different levels from ”de-sinicization” to ”de-Chineseness”. ”De-sinicization” is the partial acculturation process of Singaporean Chinese: individuals draw a clear dividing line in their relationship with Chinese nationalism while also retaining their local Chinese identity. ”De-Chineseness”, on the other hand, is comprehensive acculturation taken to its extreme: the denial of any genetic or cultural Chinese identity. That is, in the end this not only consists of not speaking Chinese or a Chinese dialect, but also not acknowledging that one is Chinese. This article asks what Singaporean localization currently rejects. This is a problematic consciousness that must be investigated when we examine Singaporean Sinophone literary culture. The development of contemporary Singaporean society from ”de-sinicization” to ”de-Chineseness” is evidently one result of localization. This article asks how we can respond to the ”localization” promoted by Sinophone theory. It is precisely this forgetting of Singaporean and Malaysian Sinophone history that has been rationalized by national discourse into a metaphor for ”localization” in Singapore.


Sinophone Chineseness sinicization localization Jack Neo Royston Tan


