  • 期刊


On Lyricism and Realism: A Study on Yesi's Advocacy of Everydayness on Hong Kong Poetry




This paper discusses the development of Yesi's interpretation of Hong Kong poetry throughout 1970s to 1990s, in which he started to ponder the issue of lyricism and proposed the lyrical features of Hong Kong literature. Yesi brought forth lyricism in the debate against realism in early 1970s, and developed the idea of ‘everydayness' in the interpretation of Hong Kong poetry. The lyrical features of Hong Kong literature such as anti-sentimentalism and modernist lyricism were proposed and eventually integrated with the discussion of Hong Kong cultural identities in 1990s. To Yesi, the lyricism of Hong Kong literature shows the uniqueness of Hong Kong culture, which provides yet another way in discussing Hong Kong's cultural identity and subjectivity. Yesi's exploration of lyricism was much earlier than the recent upsurge of interest in Chinese lyrical tradition. His advocacy of lyricism is marked with a distinct Hong Kong perspective which made him an important case in modern Chinese lyrical study.


徐遲,〈抒情的放逐〉,《星島日報•星座》,第278 期,1939 年5 月13 日。
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