  • 期刊


How Can Literature be "Real"?──The Political Interface in Malaysian Chinese Literature's Realism (1919-1930)




馬華文學 現實主義 政治 為人民 為人生


In the history of Malaysian Chinese, literary realism has its ideological genealogy relatively. Politically, it is mutually connected with left-wing thought, and was the mainstream ideology until 1970s.The purpose of this paper is to place the Malaysian Chinese realism in the historical context of modern Chinese thought and Malayan Chinese social and historical environment in order to examine the structural factors and other complex relevancy which support its rise and persistent existence. Besides, the most crucial nature of realism - political dimension will be focused as the approach for understanding the problem of literary realism. In fact, the evolution of modern Chinese thought is the necessary context for understanding modern Malaysian Chinese literature. Meanwhile, the political dimension is a key nature for understanding the plight of realism, but which has not been fully explored by literary researchers. This article will reveal the relationship, entanglement and tension between the Malaysian literary realism and politics. Moreover, the limitation of literature’s intervention in real politics and the necessarily aesthetic plight of Malaysian Chinese literature will be analyzed as well.


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西樵,〈論觀察〉,《南洋商報》,1956 年。
周作人,〈文學上的俄國與中國〉,《小說月報》,第12 卷號外,1921 年9 月。
林獨步,〈新文學概論〉,《新國民雜誌》,11 月17 日、21 日。
段南奎,〈星光今後的態度〉,《叻報•星光》,第45 期,1926 年。
