  • 期刊


A Study of the Disabled' Life Demand in Keelung-Employment Service and Occupation Training


本研究主要目的瞭解基隆市身心障礙者實際的工作狀況、與其在各種福利措施上的使用現況,並藉此調查結果提出規劃各項福利事業,以提供身心障礙者更專業與周全的服務。 本研究探用問卷調查方式,就業服務與職業訓練問卷內容包括:身心障礙者基本資料、工作狀況等問題。調查對象爲設籍基隆市之身心障礙者763人;調查時間自91年2月1日至5月31日進行,有效回收問卷爲689份。就業服務與職業訓練篇以625名居住於自宅者爲分析對象。 本研究結果如下: 一、基本資料 1.身心障礙人口男性與女性比爲52.4%、47.6%;年齡50歲以上者佔了55%;不識字、國小、中以下教育程度者佔74.8%,而年齡50歲以上者,教育程度爲國小以下者佔七成左右;婚姻狀況中,有配偶或同居者、未婚者兩選項均約佔四成,離婚或分居者約佔兩成。 2.障礙類別以多重障礙者、重要器官失去功能、肢體障礙分別位居前三位。 3.身心障礙等級爲重度與極重度兩類;因疾病致障者佔55.4%,先天因素佔26.2%。 4.身心障礙者發生障礙時年齡與造成障礙原因之分析,0-3歲其造成身心障礙原因爲先天、因疾病而致分佔前二位;4-10歲則是疾病而致爲主要原因;11-20歲以疾病而致、交通事故、其他意外傷害爲三個主要原因;21-30歲以疾病而致、職業傷害爲多;31-40歲以疾病而致、職業傷害、交通事故爲前三位;41-60歲以疾病而致、職業傷害分居前二位;61歲以上均是以疾病而致、老年退化爲造成身心障礙的主因。 二、身心障礙者工作狀況 1.身心障礙者14.2%目前有工作,就業率偏低。男性的就業率明顯多於女性;教育程度較高者,就業率越高;肢體障礙類別目前有工作之比率最高。 2.身心障礙者51.6%過去曾工作過、近四成八的身心障礙者從來沒有工作過。教育程度較高者,曾工作過的比率越高。 3.現在有工作意願的身心障礙者僅佔16.6%,而男性有工作意願的比率明顯多於女性;教育程度較高者,有工作意願的比率亦愈高。肢體障礙、聽覺與聲音等機能障礙類別則是有工作意願的前二位,視覺障礙可能因其障礙限制了其工作意願。調查結果顯示肢體障礙類別目前有工作之比率最高,同時該類別亦是最有工作意願的。 4.有工作意願之身心障礙者,最希望從事之工作因其身心障礙種類之故,希望選擇體力與能力可以負荷之工作。 5.有九成四的身心障礙者從未接受過職業訓練。而接受過職業訓練者以男性爲多;教育程度高中、職者接受過職業訓練的比率遠高於教育程度國(初)中以下者。而在障礙類別中,視覺障礙、肢體障礙分居接受過職業訓練的前二位;但值得討論的是,視覺障礙類別接受過職業訓練的比率最高,但其工作意願卻很低(僅高過智能障礙類別),可能是雇主的工作輔助設備不佳,致使其進入職場的意願很低所致。 6.僅有一成三左右的身心障礙者知道政府對身心障礙者參加職訓有優惠補助措施、對參加職訓三個月以上,每月有生活津貼補助。表示此二政策之宣導應再加強,使有需要之身心障礙者可以利用之。此二政策,男性知道的比率多於女性,教育程度較高者知道的比率遠多於教育程度較低者;可能教育程度較高者,對優惠補助措施的訊息較注意,亦可能比較勇於提出申請所致。 7.身心障礙者是否願意(再)參加職業訓練 有意願(再)參加職業訓練的身心障礙者僅佔8.4%,比率頗低,其中以男性居多;年齡介於20-49歲之間的身心障礙者都願意(再)參加職業訓練,可能是20-49歲之間剛好是工作的黃金年齡;而50歲以上之身心障礙者約有九成五以上均己無意願參加職業訓練,此一結果正好呼應不願意參加職業訓練的原因,是因爲年齡過高不適合再參加職業訓練。其中職業訓練的類別以資訊電腦業爲最多。在不願意參加職業訓練的原因,以年齡過高或過低,不適合參加該項目所佔比率最高;其次,爲怕學不來。調查結果亦發現教育程度愈低者愈不願意參加職業訓練。 三、對政府之相關施政措施與建議身心障礙者對工作狀況的具體建議 1.設立適當的教育機構,給予身心障礙者適切的教育機會,提高其教育程度,培養其工作技能。有受訪者提到希望能設置特殊教育學校,給予身心障礙者階段性的教育計畫與醫療計畫。 2.設立適當的技能訓練機構,依據障礙類別給予不同的專業訓練。 3.有效的協助就業,提供就業管道,增加身心障礙者進入職場的機會。 4.能保障身心障礙者的工作權。


The study is to explore the disabled real life situations and their satisfaction about the promotion of the social welfare policy. Its results will be used to propose planning each welfare project that leads to a more professional and better service. The approach of the study is to use the questionnaire which includes the disabled' basic data and job situation. The investigation objects were the 763 disabled who inhabits in Keelung. The investigation time was from February 1 to May 31 in 2002. There were 689 effective questionnaires (90.3%). The study analyzed 625 copies who lived in their house. The results are as follows: Ⅰ. Basic Data 1. Among the disabled, 52.4% were male, and 47.6% were female. The percentage of the education level including the illiterate, elementary school graduates and high school graduates is 74.8. The marital status is 40% of the married, 40% of the single, and 20% of the divorced or separated. 2. The classification of the disabled belongs to the multi-functional disability, major organ disability and the handicapped at most. 3. The majority of the disabled belongs to the severe degree, partly caused by diseases (55.4%) and partly by heredity (26.2%). 4. According to the study, the age of the disabled and the cause of the disabled situation are classified as follow: the age 0-3: mostly caused by heredity or diseases. the age 4-10: mainly caused by diseases. the age 11-20: mainly caused by diseases, partly by traffic accidents. the age 21-30: mostly caused by diseases or occupation injury. the age 31-40: mostly caused by diseases, occupation injury and traffic accidents. the age 41-60: mostly caused by diseases and occupation injury. the age over 61: mainly caused by diseases and elderly degeneration. Ⅱ. Employment service situation of the disabled 1. 14.2% of the disabled is jobless, female>male. The higher the education is, the higher the employment rate. The physically-handicapped has the higher employment rate. 2. 51.6% of the disabled had had jobs, near 40% has never had jobs. The higher the education is, the higher the employment rate had been. 3. 16.6% of the disabled wants to have a job, male>female. The higher-educated disabled have the more intention to have a job. The physically handicapped or the ones with hearing problems are more willing to have a job. The ones with sight problems have limited job selections. According to the study, the physically-handicapped have the higher employment rate and more intention to have a job. 4. The disabled who want to have a job hopes to the same working contents with the other colleagues and to have a job that they able to do physically and capably. 5. There are 94% of the disable who do not have any occupation training, female>male. The ones with senior high school degrees have higher-rated occupation training than the ones with junior high school education. In the handicap item, the physically handicapped ones and the ones with sight problems have more intentions to take the occupation training. It is worthy being observed that the ones with sight problems have the highest occupation training rate but with the much lower intention to do the job (just higher than the ones with learning disability). The condition of being unwilling to have a job could be due to the lack of supporting facilities. 6. There is only 13% of the disabled have the information about the governments offering benefit subsidy measurements and living allowance subsidy if taking the occupation training for more than three months. These two policies should be promoted positively, so as to be helpful to those in need. The male and the ones with higher education get more information about job training than the female and the ones with lower education. The reasons could be the higher-educated ones paying much attention to benefit subsidy measurements or having more courage to make the application. 7. The willingness of taking the occupation training: Only 8.4% of the disabled are willing to take the occupation training, male> female, mostly aged 20-49. The 95% of the disabled, aged over 50, has no willingness to take any occupation trainings. The age could the reason for this condition. In the occupation training items, the computer science and information takes the major parts. Those who are unwilling to take the training are either too old or too young or being afraid of learning well. Ⅲ. Suggestions to the governments related policies 1. The government should try to set up suitable educational agencies, so as to provide any suitable education chances and to cultivate their working skills. Those who are interviewed hopes the setting up of a special functional school and the offering of the educational plans and medical cares. 2. To set up a suitable training agencies that can provide various professional training. 3. To guarantee the job-offering and to provide any effective employment information. 4. The government should secure the working right for those who do on their job well.


