This article tries to explore the continuity and change of Taiwan society through an everyday phenomenon-waiting in a line. Taking the ”Line-up campaign” promoted by Taipei City government in 1979 as an example, the author suggested that this campaign was a kind of bodily discipline emphasizing senses of social order, efficiency and civility derived from the ideology of modernization. But it should also be understood in the context of low level of urban collective consumption and political uncertainty caused by diplomatic crisis and national democratic movement. After 1990s, as the Taipei Rapid Transit System is in operation, and the customer-first mentality developed rapidly in a consumer society, there emerged a new line-up culture supported by auto-calling machines and urban middle-class manners. Although there are drastic differences between types of governance (authoritarian vs. consumer-oriented) in these two periods, lining-up is still a central symbol of civilization and modernity.