  • 期刊

休謨是契約論者嗎?對高提也的"David Hume, Contractarian"之批判性反思

Is Hume A Contractarian? A Critical Reflection on David Gauthier's "David Hume, Contractarian"


晚近以來,越來越多的研究者主張休謨的正義理論立基於社會契約的概念上,這與休謨以批判社會契約論著稱的傳統形象相去甚遠。為評估此研究趨勢是否有助於釐清休謨的正義理論,本文聚焦於高提也的"David Hume, Contractarian"。該文的主要涵義為:第一,休謨的效益原則不同於效益主義所捍衛的公共福祉,反而與位居契約論核心的互惠更為相符。其次,高提也強調休謨思想的保守性,否定休謨具備分配正義的關懷。本文指出,休謨眼中的人性並非僅以追求自我之私利為滿足;相反地,人類與生俱來的親社會性在休謨的理論中發揮了關鍵的作用。其次,休謨並非僅關注財產制度之穩定性的資產階級代言人,在其經濟論文中,他表達了對社會不平等問題的重視,尤其是對奴隸制度的譴責。


休謨 正義 社會契約 親社會性 效益


There is a trend that forms lately in the study of David Hume's political thought, namely an increasing number of scholars now regard Hume's theory of justice as founded on the idea of social contract. This view deviates from Hume's conventional image which proposed significant criticism of social contract theory. To evaluate this interpretive perspective, this article focuses on David Gauthier's "David Hume, Contractarian". Gauthier's essay has two implications. First, Gauthier argues that whereas Hume's theory of justice is founded on a principle of utility, utility for Hume does not reveal the general welfare of society as what utilitarianism defends, but mutual advantage compatible with a contractarian account of morality. Second, Gauthier emphasizes the conservative tendency of Hume's political thought, and he rejects that there is a concern for distributive justice in it. This article argues that, unlike Gauthier's view, Hume thinks that human nature may not be reduced to the psychology of selfishness. On the contrary, men's natural sociability and sympathy are crucial to Hume's theory of justice. Moreover, if Gauthier took Hume's economic essays more seriously, he would have found Hume's criticism of slavery and oppressions. On that account, it seems not fair to depict Hume as a conservative indifferent to social inequality.


David Hume Justice Social Contract Sociability Utility


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