  • 期刊


Three In-school Groups of Elementary School Mathematics Teachers and their Professional Dialogues




This study investigated the function of three different groups of elementary school mathematics teachers, authorized or unauthorized, and the merits and limitations of their professional group dialogues. We found that the mathematics study group dealt with the special jobs assigned by school authorities by holding ad hoc meetings; that the group of class teachers of the same grade level coordinated and shared jobs assigned by the school curriculum committee and school administrative council; that the voluntary teacher group could generate a deeper level of professional dialogue, promote professional development and solve mathematical pedagogical problems. If we analyze the activities of these groups, we will find that the mathematical study group is engaging in a cooperative investigation, the group formed by voluntary teachers is a cooperative growth group, and the group of class teachers of the same grade level goes in the middle. Furthermore, the first and third groups are regulated by school authorities. Since most participating teachers lacked the will to talk professionally, a passive attitude toward such discussions combined with the infrequent meeting times limited the degree to which the level of professional dialogue could be deepened. The group formed by voluntary teachers, however, could more successfully do so.


