  • 期刊


2001 Transition and 2008 Challenge-From the Observations of Economic、Scientific and Technological Indicators


2001年我國產業發展發生經濟成長趨緩、失業率曾加及研發投資意願低落之現象,另一方面又發生新興行業不斷興起,新創就業機會及研發成果發表數量成長之現象,2001年為我國產業轉型之轉折點,轉型方向歸納有二,一朝全球化發展,另一朝前瞻創新發展。 政府為了使我國產業朝此二方向轉型順遂,制定「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」,但是在轉型的過程中,穩定且質優的高階人才供應為轉型成功與否關鍵因素之一,國防訓儲人力制度恰好扮演了一個關鍵的角色,本文指出我國應制定符合前瞻創新發展之相關人才培育政策,使我國能再度以人來創造前瞻創新為導向之經濟發展。


Taiwan confronted the downturn of the economic growth the hike of the unemployment rate and the sluggishness of the research and development (R&D) investment in 2001. However, it also occurred the emergence of new businesses, the opportunities of new jobs and the abundant R&D outputs in 2001. Year 2001 is namely a transition point of industrial development transformation in Taiwan. The direction of the transformation could be divided into two paths: one is toward globalization, the other is toward advance. In order to make the progress of transformation smooth for the local industries, Taiwan's government stipulated the ”Challenge 2008: National Development Plan”. During the transition, this paper indicated that steady supply of talent people to the local industries plays the key role that decided if the transformation is successful or not eventually. It's noted that manpower of mandatory conscription served for the industries related to the national defense plays an important role in this transformation. This paper addresses that Taiwan's government should make the advance-oriented young talent cultivation policies so as to develop the advance-oriented economy in the near future.
