  • 期刊


Cross-strait Financial Supervision


本文探討以銀行(Banking)為主的兩岸金融監理,討論兩岸如何進行兩岸監理合作之方案,打破目前僵局。2003年是兩岸的金融監理制度的重要年度:4月大陸成立銀行監督委員會,建立了金融分業監督的體制;7月臺灣通過「行政院金融監督管理委員會組織法」,為一元化金融管理監督制度奠下第一塊基石。兩岸雖各採分業與一元化金融監督管理方式,但兩岸的金融市場都大步朝自由化方向邁進。金融監理制度涵蓋三個層次,一為有效安全監督管理機制,二為健全的存款保險機制,三為靈活的金融機構退場機制,三者都是兩岸今後需加把勁的。另兩岸金融互動日趨密切,金管會以建立台灣成為區域金融中心或籌資中心為主要工作項目之一,自應提升擴大台灣金融機構在大陸的業務範圍與身份地位,積極處理跨域金融監理問題。 本文分以下五方面敘述:1.兩岸在九0年代至目前的金融改革與發展;2.中國大陸的金融監理制度;3.台灣的金融監理制度;4.兩岸金融互動與金融監理;5.結論。


This article focuses on cross-strait financial supervision, aiming at formulating feasible supervisory cooperation alternatives. Key financial supervisory measures were taken in 2003, such as the establishment of China Banking Regulatory Commission in April to conduct China's banking supervision, and the promulgation of ”Organic Act of Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan” in July to consolidate Taiwan's financial supervisory authorities. Although Taiwan and China adopted different supervisory systems, both have stepped forward to a more liberalized financial environment. Financial supervisory system includes three pillars: an effective regulatory body, a sound deposit insurance system, and an enforceable market-exit mechanism. All need to be solidified for Taiwan and China's financial supervisory authorities. With the increasing inter-dependency of cross-strait financial relations, and the purpose to establish Taiwan as a regional financial center/funding center, the Financial Supervisory Commission should broaden the business scopes and enhance the positions of Taiwan's financial institutions operating in China as well as actively tackle the crossstrait financial supervisory issues. This article included five sections: 1. Cross-strait financial reforms and developments in the 1990s; 2. China's financial supervisory system; 3. Taiwan's financial supervisory system; 4. Cross-strait financial link and supervision; and 5. Conclusion.


Huang, Y. K. (2017). 對磁聲波觸發前恆星核塌縮之模擬 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201702050

