  • 期刊


Policy Formation vs. Policy Implementation: A Policy Analysis and Evaluation of Campus Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention and Management in Taiwan


本文檢視國內校園性侵害及性騷擾防治相關之法令內容及實務現況,據以針對各級學校及教育主管機關提出落實相關政策之實務建議。 本研究採基進女性主義之性別暴力分析觀點,視性侵害及性騷擾為父權體制下強化男性權控及宰制之普遍性行為。本研究發現國內性侵害犯罪有校園化趨勢,校園性騷擾也有普遍化傾向,校園性侵害及性騷擾已儼然成為違反性別平等、威脅女性人身安全及性自主之流行病。 為凸顯性別主流化觀點,以有效減低校園性侵害及性騷擾之流行率,本文提出性侵害及性騷擾防治公共衛生三級預防策略,作為國內校園性侵害與性騷擾防治政策文本之分析架構。本研究首先辯識性侵害及性騷擾概念法理建構及防治策略之沿革,發現凸顯女性主義觀點之性別中立,性/身體自主,多元懲處,及組織層面防治責任等立法原則,已取得法令政策之正當性。其次,本研究發現,性侵害犯罪防治相關法令較著重第二及第三級之預防策略,如:受害人保護及加害人懲處及診療等規定。性平法相關法令則較能兼顧三級預防策略,尤其凸顯初級策略中的性別平等教育。 本文最後依據性別主流化政策之因素網絡檢視目前校園性侵害及性騷擾防治政策之實踐現況,發現:各級中小學多已依法實施性侵害防治教育,其成效獲得師生肯定,但學校教師對校園性侵害及性騷擾事件之處理,則仍感困擾。 具體而言,目前校園性侵害及性騷擾事件處置之困境包括:學校性平會性別平等意識不一,缺乏調查處理之專業知能,學校處理機制欠缺分工協調;校園性侵害及性騷擾調查處置缺乏規格化程序,專業素養人才,及行政支援;後續處置中懲處建議與決議的落差,及懲處執行及成效追蹤等問題;校園性別文化、救濟機制、及行政效能等相關問題。 最後,本文針對國內校園性侵害及性騷擾防治現況與困境,分別針對學校單位及教育主管機關提出落實校園性別暴力防治政策之實務及政策雛議。


This paper conducts a policy analysis on campus sexual assault and harassment prevention and management in Taiwan, and thereby, recommends implementation strategies for both educational institutes and Minister of Education in Taiwan. This paper first reviews the prevalence of campus sexual assault and harassment and feminist theories on sexual assault and harassment, and then adopts public health model for preventing sexual assault and harassment as analytical framework. Based on the model, the study analyzes the text of government policies on campus sexual assault and harassment and found that the 1997 Sexual Assault Prevention Law place more stress on the secondary and tertiary preventive interventions, including measures for victim shield and mandatory rapist treatment. While the 2004 Gender Equality Education Law focuses mare on gender equality education but designates one chapter to campus sexual assault and harassment management. In addition, its bylaw stipulates rules and guidance on investigating and managing sexual assault and harassment cases on campus. Furthermore, the study identifies feminist perspectives in the legislations on sexual assault and harassment in Taiwan, including the guiding principles of gender-neutral, sexual autonomy, organizational obligation for prevention, etc. The paper then examines the status of policy implementation in schools and colleges of Taiwan. Problems and dilemma encountered were identified, including the structure and functions of gender equality education committees, the organization and operation of investigation procedure, the implementation and evaluation of sanctions, and the gender and bureaucratic culture in various educational institutes. Respective implementation strategies were recommended for school/colleges and MOE in Taiwan.


陳嘉慧(2010)。校園性騷擾防治法制之研究 —以美國民權法1972年教育增修 條文第九章關於學校責任為中心—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2010.00588
