  • 期刊


Using an Al Step Wedge to Simulate the Brmesstrahlung Radiation Spectrum of X-rays




能譜 制動輻射 可用射束 OD值 模擬 曲線擬合


To know the quality of an X-ray beam produced by an x-ray machine, the best method is to check the energy spectrum of the x ray beam. Usually, scintillation detector and semiconductor detector are used to measure the distribution of the energy flux density. But the dead time of detectors has a problem that event rates can not be too high. To avoid dead time information be lost, the distance between source and detector must be wide! However, it is very difficult to determine the accurate position of source and instrument (including diaphragm). In this paper, detector is replaced by an Al step wedge and cassette. When an Al step wedge is irradiated by X-ray, the amount of X-ray transmitted through each step of the Al step wedge are recoded by screen-film. The optical density (OD) produced on a film is measured using a densitometer, utilize the computer to simulate the bremsstrahlung radiation spectrum which can fit the OD values of the film. Although this method is suitable for bremsstrahlung radiation simulation, not for characteristic radiation, but the result of computer simulation is similar to the result stated in textbooks, such as, the spectrum of bremsstrahlung radiation or the relation between dose and tube current and tube voltage. When the influence of characteristic radiation can be negligible, it is a simple and feasible method to utilize an Al step wedge cooperated with computer simulation to get the energy spectrum of x-rays!
