  • 期刊


The Relationship among Teacher-Student Interaction, Self-Disclosure and Learning Climate: Using Facebook as an Example


網際網路技術發展迅速,師生教學與學習的模式由線下互動擴展至線上環境,越來越多大學教師利用臉書等社群媒體進行課程管理及討論。但過去實證研究發現,臉書雖然具有資訊溝通和社會互動的功能,但也排擠了學生投入課程學習的時間,因此臉書對學生的學習影響並無定論。本研究根據人際互動理論,認為師生關係影響學習成效,而教師與學生之互動溝通才是關鍵,因此本研究認為教師經營臉書社團與學生維持高互動之溝通能提高學生學習氣候,而學生的自我揭露程度對兩者具中介效果。本研究以問卷調查法及PLS (partial least squares)進行模型驗證;假設皆獲支持,顯示大學課程管理若能融入新媒體特色,師生互動得以提升學生學習氣候,本研究結論可提供大學教師經營課程臉書社團之具體參考。


Internet technology is developing rapidly. The styles of teaching and learning knowledge are no longer limited to the context of offline interaction. There is more and more university teachers employ Facebook into the curriculum teaching activities. Indeed there are some related empirical studies showed that Facebook can increase student' learning performance, but some others reveal Facebook distract students attention in academic. Though Facebook' interactive functions can satisfy students' information needs and social interaction motives, it must base on the ability of teachers to master the correct communication interactivity. This study exams an overall relationship among teacher-student interaction, self-disclosure and learning climate. We argue that teachers use highly interactive strategies can improve students' learning climate. And students' self-disclosure mediates the relationship between interactive strategies and learning climate. We survey those students who are using Facebook for assisted curriculum management and use PLS (partial least squares) to verify the model. Our hypotheses are supported. Important implications for theory and practice are discussed.


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