  • 期刊


LINE Stickers and Communication Satisfaction: A Social Presence Theory Perspective


隨著智慧型手機的普及,行動通訊軟體成為熱門的溝通媒介,貼圖是其最引人注目的特色,本研究主要以行動即時通訊App-LINE貼圖做為研究主體,檢視在不同溝通情境與訊息表達方式對溝通滿意度的影響。本研究以社會臨場感理論為理論基礎,此理論強調當媒介能傳輸的線索越多,越能達到高度互動和溝通效率。本研究採取實驗法邀請受試者參與線上交談,以2(溝通情境:正面vs.負面)x2(表達訊息方式:純文字vs.貼圖與文字)受試者組間設計(between-subjects design)共4個實驗情境,並在交談結束後評量該次交談之溝通滿意度。研究結果發現,使用純文字與使用貼圖和文字並無顯著差異,使用LINE進行溝通時,正面情境所產生的溝通滿意度高於負面情境。本研究的理論貢獻在於以社會臨場感理論探討CMC環境下的主題,有別於理論過去運用在社會學或組織溝通的相關研究,實務貢獻在於深入了解LINE貼圖所傳逹的溝通效果,有助於業界發展即時行動溝通工具。


As smart phone is spreading widely, mobile instant messaging applications have turned into popular communicative channel nowadays. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of response type and valence of context on communication satisfaction. Based on the social presence theory, we intend to understand how valence of context and response style has impact to communication satisfaction. Subjects were recruited to join an experiment where they participate in the online chatting, and the communication satisfaction of the conversation was evaluated. A 2 (valence of context: positive context and negative context) x 2 (response style: text with sticker and text-only) factorial design was employed and further categorized into four experimental groups in total. The results of this study showed that there are no significant differences between using text-only and text with stickers. When using LINE to communicate, the positive emotion produced more satisfactory communication than the negative ones.


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