  • 期刊


Exploring Key Issues of the Sunflower Student Movement in Social Media Forums




Social media has been playing an important role at many important social events discussions in Taiwan. For instance, the White Rose event, the death of Soldier Hung Chung-chiu event, and the Sunflower student movement. With the transition of society and technology, citizens are becoming netizens. Public issues are discussed intensively on different visual forums. Furthermore, the discussions in social media encourage citizen taking actions in the real world. Researchers and practitioners have paid a lot of attentions on the role of social media in the public affairs. How public affairs be defined sometimes depends on how they are framed by public discussions. In this era, the discussions in the social media has gradually replaced the role of traditional media in framing and agenda-setting. Therefore, the purposes of this research are threefold: first, what are key issues of these discussions and how these issues become "frames" for public affairs. Second, what the patterns of the key issues and the relationships of different frames; and finally, what the time causality relationship of the frames. The authors collected data from Feb. 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015. The analysis methods included text-mining, frequency analysis, correlation analysis, and vector autoregression model. The results indicated that the life cycle of discussions in Sunflower student movement is different from the pattern of a life cycle in traditional media. The correlation of student movement is higher in political dimension than in economic dimension. Finally, there is a time relationship among different dimensions in the discussions.


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