

近年來國民旅遊高度且快速蓬勃發展,但是國民旅遊安全事件與重大災害也頻傳,且旅行社在國民旅遊安全扮演越來越吃重的角色。但國內一直缺乏對於旅遊安全的研究,對於日益增加的旅遊需求以及政府不斷地在提倡國內的旅遊風氣,卻不見旅行社有一個明確的規範和操作手則,可以客觀評估旅遊產品的安全性;若產品是風險高的情況時,可以有因應的措施並加強安全教育與訓練、多一些安全的設施或建議替代措施,以提供旅客在產品安全分級條件下,從事比較安全無虞之旅遊活動。 本研究以國民旅遊為標的,進行旅遊安全管理系統之建構。主要是以各大旅行社的國民旅遊行程為研究對象與主題,瞭解影響旅遊安全因子後,建立國民旅遊安全管理系統。 本研究之旅遊安全管理內容包含:平時的教育訓練安全管理-操作與接待安全管理(育),事前的預防安全管理-住宿、地面交通、膳食、活動景點安全管理(食、住、行、樂),事途中與事後的安全控制管理-醫療支援的安全管理(醫),構成國民旅遊安全管理六大面向。本研究之進行實為旅遊安全管理系統之核心,完整之系統建構時仍須進行詳細之評估方可為旅行業所採用。


The highly development on domestic tourism in Taiwan is quite a trend. Mean while, there are some tourism safety incidents which resulted in extreme concerns and made the travel agent more and more important. Although the the increasing demand on tourism safety, there were only few literature and document on this topic. It is the aim of this study to construct a realistic tourism safety mnanagement system (TSMS) and verify the practicity of the system. The objective of this study is to explore the necessary aspects within a TSMS for domestic travel in Taiwan. After reviewing related literary and document, the essential core of the system was facilitated. The proposed computer system consisted of six safety dimentions including, dining, medical concern, lodging, transport, education, and destination. The famous SHELL model is applied to construct a real system. Six case studies are studied to represent the usefulness of the proposed system and eventually, a recommendation on the safety scaling is conducted to be an evaluation tool for the travel agents while in designing or performing domestic tour.


