  • 期刊


European Union's Budget Structure and an Outline to the Budget Reform




The budget is an important lever for the EU to deliver existing policy goals, to bring about change and to maximize the long-term impact of EU action. A basic understanding of the budget structure will be helpful for the people to know the allocation of the resources and the focuses of the EU policies, especially when the number of the EU members has increased from 15 to 27 at 2007. Globalization has brought about new challenges and issues like climate change, energy and migration have come to the centre of the European debate. Innovation, skills and the right business environment are more than ever at the core of the growth and jobs strategy. Enlargement has reinforced the need to promote social, economic and territorial cohesion. The present financial framework of the EU budget is not likely to meet the challenges of the decades ahead. A comprehensive review of the structure and spending priorities is therefore necessary, so is to examine how the budget works, how to get the right balance between continuity and responding to new challenges. The Commission of the EU, the governments of EU member states and many European think tanks are working on a blueprint for the reform of the EU budget, with the hope to provide a more efficient and N3 constructive budget plan.


孫艾雯(2014)。論歐洲審計院及歐盟審計機關在歐洲經濟發展中的功能與影響∼ 以歐洲主權債信危機國家為例〔博士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00296
