  • 期刊


The Recognization of Szechwan Government in 1938


自民國以來,四川由於地勢阻隔,經常處於一種半獨立的狀態,中央政府的力量很難滲入這一邊陲省份。川省雖於北伐完成後亦宣布易幟,納入國民政府政治體制中,但實際上卻依然維持其半獨立之地位。及至1935年國府藉剿共戰事的進展,插足四川,中央與川省的關係開始有了重大變化。前此四川省主席劉湘之所以能擊敗強敵,統一川省,部分實應歸功於中央的支持,故其最初與中央的關係堪稱良好。然自中央勢力進入四川後,逐步打破劉湘獨占之局面,劉湘爲維護自己的利益,乃與中央發生各種摩擦。這種形勢在1936年「兩廣事變」、「西安事變」時達到高潮,中央與川省關係日趨緊張。 惟自抗戰爆發後,劉湘在民族大義激勵下,除毅然赴京輸誠,會商抗戰大計外,復積極編組軍隊,並親率川軍出川抗戰,川省與中央關係似有好轉的跡象。然而,隨著國府內遷重慶,四川已成抗戰根據地,中央勢將加緊對川省的控制;加以劉湘突於1938年1月病逝漢口,川中無主,遂貽中央介入川政之機。當時國府有意任命張群入主川政,但此舉遭到四川軍人一致反對,認爲劉湘屍骨未寒,蔣就要對四川操刀;乃由川軍各將領通電中央,抵拒張群入川,四川省主席繼任問題迅即成爲中央與地方衝突的焦點。本文擬以1938年四川省政府改組風潮爲主軸,探述此一風潮之來龍去脈,並將說明其對當日政局之影響。


四川 國民政府 劉湘 蔣中正 抗戰


Szechwan, as a borderline province, had remained semi-independent from the Nationalist Government since the beginning of the republic. Although it later announced its affiliation to and dependence on the central government, it never actually lost its independence. It was in 1935 when the central government began the extermination of the Communists that it began to change its relationship with the central government. The fact that its governor Lieu Hsiang could defeat the powerful competitor was largely attributable to the support rendered by the central government. But as the central government began to interfere with Lieu Hsiang's administration and get hold of the province, Lieu began to take issue with the central government. In 1936, the situation between the two parties worsened as the Lian-Quan Incident and the Si-an Incident took place. Yet as the Anti-Japanese War started, Lieu Hsian, propelled by great nationalism, volunteered to go Peking to discuss war strategies. Besides, he also organized his own armies and led them to fight against the Japanese invaders. Then the relationship between the two parties began to soften. However, as the central government was stationed at Chungking, using Szechwan as its base for the War, the province was once again under the control of the central government. Then Lieu's sudden death at Hankow in January 1938, nevertheless, enabled the central government to take over the province without much effort. The Nationalist Government intended to appoint Chang Chun to take charge of the place, but the proposal was objected by local armies. They urged Generalissimo Chiang not to make any appointment, and resisted Chang's entrance into the province. The appointment of a new governor for Szechwan thus became the focus of the conflicts between the central government and the provincial powers. This paper intends to center around the issue of Szechwan's governmental reorganization, and discuss the upheavals of the time.




