  • 期刊


Nursing Experience if a Patient with Pleural Effusion Induced by Dialysate Leakage




腹膜透析 滲漏 肋膜積水


This case report describes the nursing care experience of a 58-year old male with peritoneal dialysis experiencing discomfort due to dialysate leakage into pleural cavity. During the nursing period from May 26, 2008 to June 20, 2008, the author used Gordon's 11 item Health Nursing Pattern to collect information and data through interviews, listening and observation. The patient was found to be experiencing breathlessness, chest tightness, weight gain, edema, malnutrition and itchy skin issue induced by dialysate leakage. The patient's primary care issues included ineffective breathing pattern, potential risk of infection, imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements and disturbed sleeping pattern. To ease the discomfort caused by pleural effusion, in addition to surgical repair of the diaphragm to improve the respiratory symptoms the author also actively cared for the patient's requirements. Nursing expertise was also used to provide professional knowledge on dialysis care, teaching the patient to monitor their own diet as well as record the types and amounts of food they ate every day. By enhancing the patient's self-care ability, the patient was encouraged to resume peritoneal dialysis, maintain a good quality of life and make a gradual return to his family and society.


peritoneal dialysis leakage pleural effusion
