  • 期刊


Evocation and Disenchantment: Mythical Narratives and Metaphors in Yan Lianke's Fictions




Mythical narratives of Yan Lianke's Fictions aim at identifying the spirit of Chinese culture and regeneration of strength. It shows that myth is an important discourse system to deal with the subject of modern anxiety. Through the tracing back that is closely related to individual's fate cultural roots, and national development, mythical narratives remove the sacred myth of Cultural Revolution, construct subjectivity, and rethink the essence of cultural China. Since 1997, Yan Lianke has created a new system of rhetoric, a form of literary structure and a defamiliarized language. This makes the way he expresses his ideas novel and unique in terms of literary aesthetic. Constructing cultural China and deconstructing the myth of Cultural Revolution is one of the Yan Lianke's narrative strategies. However, Yan Lianke establishes a modern narrative of cultural China, rather than adopting an antagonistic attitude towards Mao's style (毛文體). After all, he has been deeply traumatized by the impact of historical memory, thereby ”construction/ deconstruction” and ”evocation and disenchantment” forming complex and dialectical connotation.


J. G. 佛雷澤著、徐育新譯、汪培基譯、張澤石譯、劉魁立審校。金枝(上卷)
J. G. 佛雷澤徐育新譯、汪培基譯、張澤石譯、劉魁立審校(2006)。金枝。北京:新世界出版社。
J. G. 佛雷澤徐育新譯、汪培基譯、張澤石譯、劉魁立審校。金枝
