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The Election of KMT's Party Chairman: Its Significance and Challenges to the New Leader




According to the outcome of KMT's party chairman's election, Mayor Ma Yin-Jeou won a landslide election. Ma's victory was significant in many ways: party members made their decisions independently and were not influenced by the party leaders; Ma's positive image won the support of party members; Ma's reform agenda met with a warm response by party members; Ma's integrity won him the support of different ethnic groups; Ma possessed the ability to integrate the pan-blue's rank-and-file; and Ma is the only hopeful candidate who can win the 2008 presidential election. Ma's victory, however, also means he is going to face a lot of challenges such as the KMT's internal integration problem; whether he can implement his reforms; improving his leadership problem; clarifying the KMT's party policy line; integrating the pan-blue leadership, especially the PFP leaders; and scoring for his future presidential election in the areas of cross-strait relations and international relations. In sum, KMT's party chairman election was a real democratic election, which deserves positive comment. It not only will contribute to KMT's democratic transition, but will contribute to Taiwan's democratic consolidation as well.


