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The Role of ROC's Legislative Yuan and Political Parties in the Cross-Strait Negotiations on Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement from the Perspective of American Experience




Political parties, Legislative Yuan and Executive Yuan have been involved in a controversial issue in recent months as to whether Taiwan needs to sign an Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with Mainland China. Both the opposition parties and the Legislative Yuan claim that Taiwan and China can sign such an agreement only after the legislative branch has a review on it. The opposition parties, led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), even proclaim that they will call for a referendum to boycott the ECFA. According to American experience, the executive branch never submits an agreement or a treaty to the Senate for ratification before negotiating with other countries. In other words, the U.S. Senate can substantially review an agreement or a treaty only after the government finalizes the negotiations with other governments. If the Senate is not satisfied with the agreement or the treaty, it can either reject it or put it aside, as shown in the cases of League of Nations in the Wilson administration and SALT II in the Carter administration respectively. Nevertheless, this author does not imply that the executive branch can ignore the existence of legislative branch and political parties. Instead, Taiwan's Executive Yuan must make good use of its channels to communicate with Legislative Yuan and opposition parties to seek for the so-called ”majority consensus” as possible as it can. Likewise, President Ma Ying-jeou must wisely use his position, prestige, political techniques, and most importantly, power of persuasion to convince his officials, his party’s legislators, opposition legislators, media and representatives of related business circles to embrace the ECFA.


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