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The Relationship between Economic and Human Rights Developments in Taiwan: The Case of Leprosy Patient


樂生療養院的爭議在近年來引發了各界的關注,爭議的焦點主要集中在三方面-人權保障、經濟發展、古蹟保存。對於人權保障的焦點著重於政府在處理漢生病病患的立場與方式是否得當;經濟發展則關注新莊捷運之興建、通車之快慢;古蹟保存則強調療養院內的建築之珍貴。基本上,本文試圖從台灣人權發展的歷史脈絡出發,解釋人權保障與經濟發展的關係。儘管相關研究指出人權保障與經濟發展呈現正相關,但受限於人權定義與內容的複雜,導致經濟發展與人權保障在台灣,是否如同先前研究般呈現正相關,值得進一步檢證。由於漢生病病患的權益可以被視爲人權當中的一個子議題,因此本文試圖檢證的是,若經濟發展與人權狀況如前人之研究般呈現正相關,此推論是否也一併適用於人權當中的子議題? 利用「灰色關連方法」釐清台灣的經濟發展、人權運動與政府對漢生病病患之處置之關係。文中除發現三者伴隨著時間的演進均呈現了正向的發展外,從其灰關連度可知,儘管漢生議題在台灣已被認定爲一人權議題,但實際上卻更受制於經濟發展的左右。


The dispute over the protection of the Laosheng Leprosarium and the development of the Mass Rapid Transit in Taipei County has attracted public attention, which gave way to debates over human rights protection, economic development and the need to preserve historical interest in Taiwan. This paper thus aims to reveal the relation between the protection of human rights and economic development. Previous studies indicate a positive connection between these two variables, which this paper attempts to reconfirm through the case of leprosy patients in Taiwan. As the rights of leprosy patients have been recognized as legitimate human rights in recent years; this paper sketches its history and its relationship with other human rights issues in Taiwan. It proposes to examine whether the positive relationship between human rights and economic development can also be found in a subdivision of human rights. The adoption of the ‘grey relation analysis’ in this paper proposes to assay three qualitative and quantitative variables-economic development, human rights, and the ways in which the government treats leprosy patients in Taiwan-that have been described by narrative. The findings display a significant relation between the ways in which the government deals with the issues of leprosy and human rights. Nevertheless, there is a strong connection between the evolution of leprosy patients and economic development, according to the grey relation analysis.


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