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An Empirical Study on Benchmarking Leadership and Local Governance of County Magistrates and City Mayors in Taiwan


在全球化時代潮流的衝擊下,各國城市不僅未被邊緣化,反而躍居更受矚目的關鍵性角色。面對外在環境的嚴峻挑戰,臺灣各縣市政府的首長們也無不積極發揮領導力,冀望能提升地方治理的績效,滿足民眾的殷切需求。地方治理乃是「全球在地化」與「從政府到治理」兩大國際政經發展趨勢的重要匯聚點,其中,首長的領導力更是影響地方治理成敗的核心要素。地方治理強調應重視地方政府與中央政府的垂直府際關係、各地方政府間之水平府際關係,及政府部門與民間社會、非營利組織間的跨域合作;亦即,必須參與並建構良善的治理網絡。然而,建構良善治理網絡,實有賴於縣市長主動強化其領導者的角色與職能,切實發揮地方治理綜效,方能提升城市的競爭力,此乃當前政府改造的重要課題。 本文針對臺灣25個現任縣市長的領導力與地方治理,進行初探性標竿學習的實證分析。研究方法除文獻探討外,兼採深度訪談與問卷調查。主要研究課題包括:一、縣市長的領導特質與施政願景;二、縣市長與治理網絡多元行爲者的互動關係,及前述互動關係是否爲影響施政的重要因素;三、縣市長與各行爲者彼此間互動模式與改進之道;四、縣市長對《天下雜誌》施政滿意度調查的評價。筆者期待經由這項實證研究,深入瞭解當前臺灣縣市長對領導力與地方治理相關議題的認知與作法,藉此一方面累積國內縣市長領導力與地方治理的實務資料,另一方面也嘗試提出強化地方治理的政策興革建議。


According to the trends of globalization and good governance, local governance is very important in reinventing government. At the same time, leadership is the critical factor in the quality of local governance. Local governance needs to construct policy networks and promote cooperation or collaboration across boundaries, which are organized by the executive team, central and local government relations, partnership of the state and civil society, partnership of public sector and the third sector, and so on. This paper takes the leadership perspective and theories of local governance to explore comprehensively the 25 county magistrates and city mayors in Taiwan. In order to get this benchmarking empirical study well done, three research methods were adapted, such as review of literature, in-depth interviews, and the use of questionnaires in a survey. There are four dimensions of description resulting from this empirical data: 1. the characteristics and visions of magistrates and mayors; 2. the perceptions and impacts of policy network relationships; 3. the interaction models and strategies that ought to be practiced and in reality are practiced; 4. their perceptions on the annual local governance surveys held by The Common Wealth magazine. In conclusion, the authors suggest many strategies to improve local governance and the leadership of magistrates and mayors.


