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Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery, Health as Human Rights, and the Shortage of Ubiquitous Expertise: A Review of Disaster Caused by the Typhoon Morakot


本文回顧災害防救法及其相關業務資料、八八風災相關新聞等,嘗試以普遍存在的專業知識這個概念,特別是一點即通的知識(bear-mat knowledge)說明民主社會中,具健康人權特質的適當災防體制與服務何以無法出現,特別是對弱勢族群。 本文發現,大多數民眾對於災防法制與業務幾乎未達一點即通的知識層次。連學者、專家與國家也都有此問題。加上國家長期違法下,減災整備有所不足,連帶影響應變與重建。其發生機制尚需進一步研究,但是增強民眾災防方面一點即通的知識是有可能增加對國家災害防救工作的監督民主力量。


This paper reviews documents related to the Disaster Prevention and Protection Act, and the news associated with the damage caused by Typhoon Morakot. It attempts to explain how the expected services of disaster prevention and protection with respect to health rights for minorities could not be achieved based on ubiquitous expertise-beer-mat knowledge in particular. It is found that the majority of the public almost has no proper beer-mat knowledge in terms of disaster prevention and protection matters. Even experts and the state have such a deficit in expressing their ideas related to this issue before the public. In addition, the state has failed in its first enforcement of its duties outlined under the Disaster Prevention and Protection Act of 2000. Disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recoverywork have all been neglected, claiming many lives and compromising public health. The mechanism related to such an unexpected impact needs to be studied further. However, it is possible to enhance the public's power of overseeing the government in this democratic country by reinforcing and increasing beer-mat knowledge among the people.


Collins, Harry,Robert Evans(2007).Rethinking Expertise.Chicago:University Of Chicago Press.
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