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Redeeming De-colonization from Recolonization: A TribalCrit Analysis of the NHK Defamation Case


A review of日本放送協會(NHK)於2009年播出了「NHK日本登場系列特集」(NHKスペシャル「シリーズ JAPAN デビュー」)。該系列第一集,以「亞洲的『一等國』」(アジアの“一等国”)為題,嘗試對日本殖民歷史進行檢視,並具體以1910年英國倫敦舉辦的「日英博覽會」(Japan-British Exhibition of 1910)為檢證對象。採訪期間,NHK來台訪問了排灣族耆老和當時赴英參加博覽會的當事人後裔。未料,節目播出時製作單位卻在訪問片段中加上了「人間動物園」等具有歧視意味的字樣。播出後輿論一片譁然。台日兩地共約1萬人,隨後對NHK提出了集體訴訟。審理過程中,日本法院卻出現了見解不一的狀況。由於本案涉及言論自由、歧視等議題,還涉及對歷史進行評價的過程中對目前當事人產生傷害的問題,實有必要對相關議題進行檢視。在分析的視角上,本文選取了「部落批判理論」(Tribal Critical Race Theory, TribalCrit)為工具,並嘗試在判決與法律分析之外輔以實證訪談資料來對全案進行全面性的反思。質言之,本文嘗試把本案當成理論運用的場域,嘗試在本土實證經驗的基礎上,達到理論與實際的相互印證,並對相關爭議進行檢討。


In 2009, the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) aired a contentious "Series Japan's Debut" documentary. In its first episode, "Asia's first-class country", careful scrutiny of the "Japan-British Exhibition of 1910" revealed that the Japanese empire took several tribesmen of Paiwan, including the lead plaintiff's father, to London as exotic "exhibits". A French scholar was then quoted as saying that this kind of exhibition is a "Human Zoo". In the wake of this documentary, a total of 10,335 plaintiffs sued NHK for defamation as the derogatory term of human zoo implies that the Paiwan people were uncivilised. This lawsuit is then dubbed the NHK defamation or the human zoo case. This article examines this lawsuit through the lens of Tribal Critical Race Theory (TribalCrit). Using legal exposition in tandem with interviews from plaintiffs, stakeholders and indigenous groups, it seeks to demonstrate NHK's de-colonizing mindset in the making of the documentary. For NHK, they specifically chose the provocative term "human zoo" to accentuate the colonial wrongness. It is argued that their intentions, after all, are self-criticism. Despite full of "good" intentions, to NHK's surprise the Taiwanese aborigines however argued that program in general and the term in specific imposed a patronising moral value on them. That is, NHK implied that the "uncivilised" did not, perhaps still do not, recognise the real meaning of the exhibition. Therefore, it is NHK's responsibility to inform and then somehow"save" them from the brutal colonial rule. As it turned out, this documentary for decolonization was considered a behaviour of re-colonization. My TribalCrit message is that, in such a history-sensitive case, the court should not reject or accept a case simply on the basis of legal technicality or precedents. Too often, as the courts have delved into the immediate judgement, the voice of indigenous peoples have gone unnoticed. Given that history and emotions are inextricably intertwined in the process of de-colonization, detailed analysis is a must.


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