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Why Do Taiwanese Support Social Welfare? A Crisp-Set Analysis




This research uses "The 2014 Survey on Social Justice in Taiwan" to examine the factors causing welfare attitudes in Taiwan. Both linear regression and crisp-set analysis are performed to analyze four categories of factors. (a) Regime Evaluation: legitimacy of democracy and satisfaction with democracy in Taiwan; (b) Normative Values: moral economy and social equality; (c) Class: self-identified class, jobs, and income; (d) demographic characteristics: education, age, gender, and area. The result of regression shows that neither the model nor the individual variables can explain Taiwanese welfare attitudes. However, the solutions of crisp-set demonstrate the contrary. "Supporting Democracy" and "Supporting Social Equality" are necessary conditions for "Supporting Social Welfare". Regarding sufficient conditions, twentyone causal paths leading to "Supporting Social Welfare" are identified. "Supporting Democracy", "Moral Economy", and "Supporting Social Equality" are especially crucial to intrigue "Supporting Social Welfare" within these causal paths. Self-interest cannot cause welfare attitudes independent of other factors. Instead, the preference to social welfare are shaped by the interaction between self-interest and normative values. In a nutshell, Taiwanese support social welfare as a result of the interaction between self-interested and normative considerations in a legitimate democratic regime.


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