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Vertical Section Study about Non-Majored Japanese Learners' Teaching and Learning in Beginners' Class Japanese-Focusing of "Input Processing" and "Evocation to Notice"


在非日文系學習者已佔全世界7成之時,如何突破教與學各種限制,將會是教授學習初級日語者的重要課題。本研究以SLA(Second Language Acquisition) Model為理論基礎、將ー般四個學期的學習才能完成初級日語者-謂之對照組,與在三個學期所教授日語文法架構及在第四學期所加強的「注意之喚起・認知比較」而使之intake(內在化)之學習著-謂之實驗組,作品學習效果上的比較。茲以大同大學事業經營系大二大三共394名學生為研究對象,並以1997年至2003年度財團法人日本交流協會所主辦之日本語能力檢定考試成績為評量様準。其結果顯示:實驗組的學習效果優於對照組,而學習者的用心程度也會影響此ー效果。四級之整體得分如下、文字語彙70~80%、聽解40~50%、続解文法60%~70%;而三級較四級各項目約低落10%~15%。究其原因則在於:三組比原定認定基準學習時間短少了54小時所致之故。


While the non-majored Japanese learners have been coming to about 70% in the word-wide, it will be a crucial Issue to make a breakthrough of restrict of variety of teaching and learning. Based on the SLA model hypothesis, two groups will be used for the comparison. One is as traditional teaching and learning (called the contrast group). The other one is inputted only the framework of beginners' class Japanese grammar to study three terms. and for being ”noticing and evoking” through ”a cognitive comparison” in the forth term (called the experiment group) The candidates for the research in 394 Tatung university, Business Management Department were evaluated the scores of the proficiency test 1997 through 2003, held by Interchange association (Japan), Taipei office. The study effect checked that the way of an experiment group was better than the other one. A student's care also affects the study effect Generally speaking,the score of the fourth grade test was as follow Vocabulary 70-80%, Listening Comprehension 40-50%, Reading and Grammar 60-70%, and the each result of the third grade test was about 10-15% fall from the fourth grade. Which was due to the fewer for 54 learning hours (authorization standard learning time) of difference.


Shmidt, Richard(1993).Awareness and Second Language Acquisition.Annual Review of Applied Linguistics.13,206-226.
