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Izawa Shuji and Isikawa Kuraji-Read from lsikawa Kuraji's Diary





伊澤修二 石川倉次


lzawa Shuji was famous for his planning and execution of the language policy during the Japan's colonial rule in Taiwan. Comparatively, the role of Isikawa Kuraji, the original author of the ”Introduction of Japanese Conversation-Applicable for Taiwanese, on the subject is rarely known to the public. However, through the diary (81 volumes, ranged for 60 years), the resume and the autobiography written by Isikawa Kuraji himself. 'we can have a glimpse on the interchange between lzawa Shuji and lsikawa Kuraji about the education of Japanese language in Taiwan.All the above material has been reviewed and studied. The results of the study were divided into five sections and were presented on the 186th Conference of Taiwan's Association of Japanese Language and Literature This article is a modification of the oral presentation with suggestions and opinions from the respected scholars on that specific occasion.A part of the content in the oral presentation about the ”The Education of Izawa Shuji's Method of Lipreading to the Dumb Student Yoshikawa Kinzou”, ”The Selection and Decision of Japanese Braille for the Blind”, and ”The Acceptance of Taiwanese Students and the Blind Students ”was published in the article titled as ”New insights in to The Log of Teaching Taiwanese Students” (The Series of Comparative Literature and Culture Studies of the Graduate Institute of Comparative Literature at Kurume University, No.15) The origin of the article is derived from the recognition of the fact that lsikawa Kuraji was the original author of the textbook ”Introduction of Japanese Conversation-Applicable for Taiwanese ”and the payment to him on the manuscript of the textbook mentioned above as recorded in the diary. The discussion begins from the discovery of the great work on the Japanese Braille by lsikawa Kuraji as well as his ability to write a textbook on the education of Japanese conversation applicable for Taiwanese to be noted by Izawa Shuji. The discussion further goes on the invitation from lzawa Shuji to Isikawa Kuraji for his participation on the Japanese language education in Taiwan. Although the invitation was unsuccessful, Isikawa Kuraji turned to the teaching of Japanese to overseas Taiwanese students and the studies on the education of the national language in Japan at that time.


Izawa Shuji Isikawa Kuraji


