  • 期刊


Impacts and Responses of A New Type of War-"Hybrid Warfare"


21世紀初的幾場軍事衝突為現代戰爭開啟新型式-「混合戰(Hybrid Warfare)」。本文透過文獻的探討,瞭解混合戰內涵與對傳統戰爭概念的挑戰,並掌握反制、對抗混合戰的方法,以為建軍備戰的參考。混合戰呈現當前資訊、科技時代的戰爭模式,運用混合與創新、不對稱的戰術、戰法,破壞目標國政經穩定與城市發展,攻擊新聞及言論自由弱點,造成受攻擊目標的挑戰。因此,為有效因應混合戰的威脅型態,需提高對混合威脅的互信合作與厚實遭受混合攻擊的復原能力,強化訊息管理與查證能力,以調整、建立適應混合戰的打擊能力。


混合戰 不對稱作戰


Several military conflicts in the early 21st century opened a new form of modern war-"Hybrid Warfare." The purpose of this paper is to understand the connotation of hybrid warfare and its challenges to the traditional concept of war through the archieval study, and to find the methods of countering and confronting hybrid warfare, using thera as reference for force buildup and combat readiness enhancement of the ROC Armed Forces. The study found that the hybrid warfare reflects the current war in the information and technology era, using mixed and innovative, asymmetric tactics, techniques, and precision operation to destroy the political, economic stability and urban development of the target country, attack weaknesses of freedom of speech, and challenge the security. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the awareness and mutual trust and cooperation in order to counter hybrid threats, and be able to withstand the resilience of mixed attacks, strengthen the ability of information management and verification, and establish ability to adapt to the hybrid operations, in order to effectively respond to the threat of Hybrid Warfare.


Hybrid Warfare Asymmetric warfare


