  • 期刊


Challenges for Digital Collection Development in the New Millennium


隨著資訊科技的進步,資訊的生產在數量上遽增,傳遞、呈現和利用也愈趨複雜。在二十一世紀的今天,圖書館做為一個傳播資訊的機構,基本的功能雖大致維持不變,但提供資訊的範圍及方式已與過去大不相同,館藏內容已從傳統以紙本為主,演變為現今實體與數位並重的型態。相較於傳統的館藏發展,圖書館在建立數位館藏方面,在觀念思想和實際操作上有相當巨大的變革,數位資訊的取得、組織、管理及提供使用,均有別於傳統的作業,也潛存著前所未有的問題。 本文目的為探討圖書館數位館藏發展的相關議題,首先探討在新的資訊環境下圖書館館藏革命性的改變,繼而討論數位館藏的選擇、廠商的計價模式與授權合約、圖書館聯盟的角色,並探討圖書館在時代的演變和科技的衝擊下應如何積極求新改革,面對館藏品質的控制、刪除或保留紙本的決策、加強聯盟運作以及促進資源共享等問題,接受新世紀數位館藏發展的挑戰。


With the rapid advancement of information technologies, the proliferation of digital resources have profound impact on collection development. The nature of library collections has changed tremendously. As a result, the principles and workflows of collection development must be adjusted to incorporate new forms of information resources in library collections. These changes have brought with libraries a number of challenges in the new millennium. This article discussed the revolution of library collections, and issues related to digital collection development, including selection of digital resources, pricing models and licensing, and the roles of library consortia. Finally, challenges of integrating digital resources into library collection development, strengthening the operations of library consortia, and promoting digital resources sharing were also discussed.


Strategies for Building Digitized Collections
Angee Baker.(2000).The Impact of Consortia on Database Licensing.Computers in Libraries.20(6),49.
Ann S. Okerson.(2003).Is It the Price, or Is It the Pricing Model?.Serials Review.29(1),4.
Ann S. Okerson.,Richard Ekman (eds.),Richard E. Quandt (eds.)(1999).Technology and Scholarly Communication.Berkeley, CA:University of California Press.
Barbara Doyle-Wilch,Carla Tracy.(2000).Cultivating Our Garden: The Impact of Digital Full Text Periodicals on the Liberal Arts College Library.Collection Management.25(1/2),5.


