  • 期刊


A Study of Counselors' Experience in Crisis Intervention On University Campuses


長期以來,校園危機事件的處理一直是學校諮商員所面臨的高難度挑戰,也常是凸顯諮商員重要性的關鍵時刻。本研究旨在探討大學諮商員的危機處理經驗,包括有效的危機處理經驗、危機處理過程中諮商員所遭遇的困難與突破,以及危機處理經驗對於諮商員在個人與專業上的影響。本研究採用質化研究中的半結構式訪談,以六位具心理、社工相關背景,並擔任五至十年大學輔導中心主任之資深諮商員為受訪對象。茲將訪談所得資料謄為逐字稿後進行分析與歸納,其結果如下: 1. 六位受訪者在大學校園中經常面對的危機類型可分為精神疾病所引發的突發狀況、自傷或傷人事件;感情糾紛引發的自傷、傷人與威脅恐嚇等;性騷擾或性侵害事件的處理;其他如課業挫折、壓力過大引發的自傷行為、學生連續意外死亡引起的校園恐慌、家長或校外人士對學校的威脅恐嚇等四大類。 2. 確保當事人的生命安全,以及給予情緒支持是危機介入時很重要的兩大任務。有效危機處理的要件包括同理接納當事人的感受、敏感當事人的需求並處理、當事人本身願意面對問題、諮商員必須具備多元能力。整體而言,理想且有效的危機處理包含以下四個向度:危機事件的降低或解除;照顧到當事人,幫助當事人有能力面對自己的困境,也有所成長;對他人也有教育意義,積極預防宣導;相關工作人員也得到照顧與支持。 3. 諮商員在處理校園危機事件時最常遇到的困難分別為:抗拒與防衛;諮商員人身安全遭受威脅;專業未受到尊重或遭受質疑。 4. 諮商員在危機處理中承受很大的心理壓力,這些壓力來自於:危機事件本身的張力;危機是否妥當處理的壓力;專業倫理的拿捏與判斷的壓力;諮商員本身受到人身威脅的壓力。 5. 危機處理經驗對諮商員的影響包括:更加重視心理衛生預防推廣;對專業的困惑;在專業上增加對危機的敏感度;增加危機處理的能力;覺察自身所承受的壓力狀態等。 最後本研究也對於上述結果作進一步的討論,並針對諮商實務工作、諮商員養成教育與未來研究提出建議。


危機處理 校園危機 諮商員


Crisis intervention is a big challenge for school counselors. It is a critical moment for counselors to present their profession as important to the college. The purpose of the study was to explore the professional counselors’ experience in crisis intervention at the university. Six professional counselors were interviewed to understand their personal experience. Qualitative analysis was applied to the collected data. The results of the analysis are as follow: 1. The most notable crisis incidents included: incidents or suicide. Caused by psychological diseases, violence associated with broken relationships, sexual abuse and fear relating to multiple student deaths. 2. To make sure client’s safety and to give emotional support are both important task in crisis intervention. The key point for effective intervention are to be empathy and accept client’s feeling, to be sensitive to client’s need and to deal with, client’s willingness to face the problem, and the counselors must have different kinds of abilities. In whole, ideal crisis intervention included four dimensions: releasing the crisis; helping client coping his problem; educating others and having prevention moreover; the, ones involved also get care and support. 3. The difficulties in crisis intervention are client’s resistance and defense, counselor’s safety, other workers’ emotions and counselor’s profession is not respected or is doubt. 4. Counselors have a lot of burden in the process of crisis intervention. There are pressures from the tension of the crisis event; worry about the result; the handling of profession ethics and counselors’ own safety. 5. The influences of the crisis intervention on the counselors are: more emphasis on early prevention; uncertainty over professional identity; increased sensitivity to crisis; improved abilities for crisis management; counselors’ awareness of their own burden and pressure. According to the results of the study, suggestions for future research and counselors training are also presented.


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