  • 期刊


Employment Process of People with Spinal Injury


本研究目的是探究:在職中的脊髓損傷者之就業歷程。就業對於脊髓損傷者的重要性就如同對所有非身心障礙者一樣,因此本研究針對三位穩定就業的研究參與者之生命故事萃取具特別意義的經驗內涵,並進行跨個案分析,以了解其就業歷程。除呈現脊髓損傷者的就業歷程分析,研究者也試著與相關文獻結果進行呼應與討論,藉此連結相關學術資料與本次研究場域所見,希望針對這些生命故事與知識進行統整與探索。訪談大綱、訪談日誌及觀察筆記為主要的資料蒐集工具。並以多方資料的核對、同儕的檢定、研究者與參與者的友善關係,以及研究參與者的檢核等四種方法建立研究信實度。本研究結果發現:每個參與者在受傷前,原本各自處於不同的生涯發展階段,因為傷害而產生一個循環,開始新的成長、探索與建立階段。依據編碼結果,本研究發現:脊髓損傷的受訪者之就業歷程,可分為七個階段,分別為「 受傷前的個人狀況與未來規劃」、「受傷的衝擊」、「心理調適階段」、「就業前調適,邁向獨立生活」、「就業探索」、「就業定向」,與「受傷對人生影響及未來規劃」。最後,研究者亦提出未來研究方向及本研究限制。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the employment process of people with spinal injury who are currently employed. It is as important for people with spinal injury to be employed as non-disabled ones. In this study, three participants with stable employment were selected to explore their meaningful life stories and experiences. The cross-case analysis was performed to understand their employment process. In addition to the analysis of employment process, this study attempted to discuss the findings by incorporating and linking relevant literatures with what was observed in the field. The semi-structured interview guide, the reflective journals and observation notes were major sources of data. To ensure the reliabilities among the researchers, triangulation, peer examination, positive relationship with the participants, and participants’ review of transcripts were used. The findings showed that (a) every participant was originally at different career development stage before the occurrence of spinal injury, and (b) their spinal injury resulted in a new cycle, including the stages of initiation of new growth, exploration, and establishment. According to the coded data, the employment process of participants with spinal injury can be divided into 7 phases: Pre-injury personal status and future planning, impact of injury, psychological adjustment, pre-employment adjustment and stepping towards independent living, employment exploration, employment orientation, and impact of injury on life and future planning. The limitations and future directions of the study were discussed.


身心障礙者服務資訊網(2010)。認識脊隨損傷。2010年6月5日,取自 http://disable.yam.org.tw/resource/life/spinal.htm
