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The Effect of Family Function on Nonsuicidal Self-Injury among Senior High School Students: The Mediating Role of Alexithymia


本研究旨在瞭解高中職學生自傷行為盛行率之現況,以及檢視家庭功能和述情障礙對自傷行為之預測,並檢證述情障礙在家庭功能與自傷行為間所扮演之中介角色。本研究以高中與高職學生為研究對象,採分層(高中、高職)、叢集(以班為單位)方式進行抽樣,取得 2170 名有效樣本(高中生佔51.94%;女性佔52.13%),施以「簡式家庭功能量表」、「述情障礙量表」與「自傷行為量表」進行分析。本研究發現如下:(1)20.49%(95% 信賴區間為18.79%-22.19%)的高中職學生表示在過去一年內曾有過自傷行為,且女性顯著多於男性;(2)低家庭功能可顯著預測自傷行為;(3)述情障礙能顯著預測自傷行為;(4)低家庭功能可顯著預測述情障礙;以及(5)述情障礙能部分中介低家庭功能對自傷行為之影響。研究者根據研究結果提出建議,以供學校與諮商輔導人員及未來研究參考。

Parallel abstracts

The present study aimed to understand the prevalence of nonsuicidal self-injury among senior high school students and to investigate the effect of family function and alexithymia in predicting nonsuicidal self-injury. In addition, we examined the mediating role of alexithymia in the relationship between family function and nonsuicidal self-injury. This study recruited 2170 senior high school students through stratified (high school and technical school) and clustered (class as unit) sampling (high school students: 51.94%; females 52.13%). Administered questionnaires included the short-form of Family Function Scale, 20-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Scale. Findings showed the following: (1) 20.49 % (95% confidence interval: 18.79%-22.19%) of the participants reported that they had nonsuicidal self-injury within twelve months; females showed significantly higher percentage than males. (2) Poor family function significantly predicted nonsuicidal self-injury. (3) Alexithymia significantly predicted nonsuicidal self-injury. (4) Poor family function significantly predicted alexithymia; and (5) Alexithymia mediated the relationship between poor family function and nonsuicidal self-injury. Findings from the present study provided suggestions and a reference for schools and guidance counselors, as well as for future research.


王淑惠(2001)。由家庭功能與性格特質探討婦女憂慮焦慮之共病現象。國立成功大學行為醫學研究所=National Cheng Kung University。
林美惠(2011)。從家庭功能探討青少年的自殘行為—以新竹市某完全中學為例。玄奘大學社會福利學系碩士在職專班=Department of Social Welfare, Hsuan Chuang University。
