  • 期刊


A Study on DC Electricity Characteristic of SiGe HBT by Different Doping


此研究要在探討摻雜濃度對SiGe HBT直流電氣特性之影響,其元件採用TSMC 0.18μm製程的n-p-n SiGe HBT,元件又分為兩種射極面積,並利用兩種不同的方法,去影響SiGe HBT的摻雜濃度,而規類成兩種Case來分析。Case 1是利用元件製程時,thermal cycle的時間及集極厚度大小去改變摻雜濃度;Case 2是利用集極層的某一區域內,再加上兩種不同的摻雜濃度,來改變其集極摻雜濃度,以探討摻雜濃度、射極面積及溫度對基極電流(I(下標 B))、集極電流(I(下標 C))、電流增益(β)及集極-射極電壓(V(下標 CE))崩潰特性的影響。依量測結果可知,電流增益會受到射極尺吋效應(emitter size effect)的影響。探討崩潰電壓上,可發現溫度在25℃時,HV1_4元件的BV(下標 CEO)值為9.3V,其截止頻率ƒ(下標 T)為20GHz;HS1元件的BVCEO值為1.95V,其截止頻率ƒ(下標 T)為120GHz,且HS元件,會有較明顯的自發熱效應(self-heating effect)發生,此外,也探討基極輸入電流或電壓時,電壓崩潰特性的差異性。


This thesis is finding out the influence of doping on characteristic of SiGe HBT DC electricity characteristic. The device we used is n-p-n SiGe HBT of TSMC 0.18um process. The devices have two different emitter area. We use two different ways to affect doping of SiGe HBT and analyze them by two separate cases. Case 1: we use thermal cycle time and collector thickness to affect doping collector current、current gain and breakdown characteristics of collector-emitter voltage. From our measurement data, we find that the current gain is influenced by emitter size effect. In study of breakdown voltage, when temperature is 25℃, BV(subscript CEO) is 9.3V for device HV1_4, the ƒ(subscript T) is 20GHz; BVCEO is 1.95V for device HS1,the ƒ(subscript T) is 120GHz. And, there is obvious self-heating effect happened in device HS. We also study the difference of breakdown voltage between base input current and voltage.


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