  • 期刊


Using Software Approaches to Simulate the Match-Moving Effect of Virtual Studios


虛擬攝影棚相較於傳統攝影棚在製作過程及效果的呈現上有著許多的優勢。但因其軟硬體設備的建構成本相當龐大,所以非專業特定人員較不容易實際地去接觸、操作;此外,除了新聞節目的現場播出外,很少須要用到即時播送的功能,絕大部份都是採用先錄製再經由後製處理後方能播送。 本研究將提供另一種思維及做法:不使用攝影機追蹤設備,運用既有軟體,在不降低最終成像品質的條件下,用更少的成本及更有效率的時間來模擬並且達到虛擬攝影棚的成像效果,做爲相關教育訓練的參考以及應用。


Virtual studios have many advantages in production and presentation over traditional studios. However, the cost of hardware equipment and software to build a virtual studio is very expensive, ordinary people won't have the chance to access and actually operate a virtual studio. In the TV industry, in addition to broadcast live news, very few programs need real-time transmission. Most of the TV programs today still record and then post-process to achieve better quality for broadcasting. Without using expensive camera tracking hardware, this study uses software approaches to track the movement of the virtual camera. Without degrading the final image quality, less cost and more efficient solutions are provided to simulate the match-moving effect of virtual studios. As the purpose of this study, we hope the research results will provide an useful reference for content production, as well as training of education or other applications.


Virtual Studio Chroma Key Camera Tracking


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