  • 期刊


A Study on the Growing International Arbitration Culture from Legal Culture


世界貿易組織(WTO)使世界經濟全球化,國際市場一體化,可以預見國際經濟貿易間之爭議必層出不窮。此時,仲裁制度亦走向國際化,各國政府亦紛紛增設或加強仲裁之規定,以解決各種商務所引起之爭議。 我國為因應此一國際化與自由化之趨勢,以符合國際立法趨勢及我國未來社會經濟發展之必要,參考「聯合國仲裁模範法」及英、美、日、德、法等先進國家之仲裁立法例,將商務仲裁條例修正為仲裁法。 經由對「發展中之國際仲裁文化」(International Arbitration Culture)之觀察,將有助於對仲裁法相關規定之理解與適用。然而,在討論「發展中之國際仲裁文化」時,首先面臨何謂國際仲裁文化,在國際仲裁中,是否真的存在著所謂「國際仲裁文化」等等問題。在此,必須先回到「法律文化」之基本出發點,即必須首先瞭解法律形式之合理性與特定民族與國家之傳統文化密切相關,且又與世界文化之總體發展之水準相聯繫。從法律文化出發,就各國創制法律技術方法以介紹各種不同爭議解決文化(Dispute Resolution Culture),並瞭解做為一個解決爭議方法(a method of dispute resolution)之仲裁與訴訟(Litigation)、和解(Conciliation)其間主要差異為何,並且在不同爭議解決文化下,仲裁制度會有何不同之發展。然後再由內國仲裁(Domestic Arbitration)觀察其與國際仲裁有何差異,以清楚地掌握國際仲裁所面臨之問題為何。如此,才能更確切地掌握何謂國際仲裁文化,以及國際仲裁文化之發展為何。 因此,本文首先嘗試比較仲裁文化與訴訟文化(Litigation Culture)及和解文化(Conciliation Culture),並對國際仲裁與內國仲裁加以分析,同時對國際仲裁與訴訟之關係,以及國際仲裁發展上之問題加以探討,並提出國際仲裁文化之發展,最後,期望我國仲裁法此次之修正,真能因應國際化之趨勢。


The World Trade Organization (WTO) globalized the world economic, integrate international market. There are many disputes among the international trade in the foreseeable future. Now, arbitration system had internationalized. So many countries enriched the arbitration law. Our country challenged the tendency of internationalization and liberalization, in accordance with international legislation. We consulted with 「UNCITRAL Model Law on international Commercial Arbitration」 and the arbitration legislation of the English、American、Japan、Germany France an so on high-tech country. We have amended arbitration law. It is derived from international arbitration culture, would be great advantage to apprehend and application of the arbitration law. However, We might face to what international arbitration culture is in discussing a growing international arbitration culture. Was that true international arbitration culture? At first we might consider of the base foundation of legal culture. We might understand the complicate matters between the legitimacy of the legal form and traditional culture of the special nations. It intercommunicated with the grade of the global development of world culture. We wanted to introduce kind of the dispute resolution culture depart from this legal culture. We wand to understand what the differences between litigation and conciliation is as a method of dispute resolution. Therefore, we could assure what international arbitration culture is, and what growing international arbitration culture is. We had a try to compare with arbitration culture, litigation culture and conciliation culture. We should analysis international arbitration and national arbitration. We should make researches into the relationship between international arbitration and international litigation. We should expertise the growing international arbitration culture. And there was the end, the amendment of our arbitration law would reaction the tendency of internationalization.
