  • 期刊


A Retrospect and Outlook on "Computer Processed Data Protection Act"


有鑑於電腦科技快速發展及迎接「資訊時代」之來臨,中華民國立法院於一九九五年參考民主先進國家法制,制定「電腦處理個人資料保護法」。內容分為六章,包括總則、公務機關之資料處理、非公務機關之資料處理、損害賠償及其他救濟、罰則與附則,共計四十五條文。加上行政院法務部訂定「電腦處理個人資料保護法施行細則」四十六條,一併成為我國個人資料保護之基本規範。 惟該法施行迄今,因規範之行政程序略嫌繁瑣,有些條文內容不明確,同時規範公務機關與非公務機關有關要件與程序有不平衡之處,加上網路商業交易日益流行,造成消費者個人隱私權被侵犯,為解決上述問題,迭有修法之建議。本文乃先從該法律保障人民隱私權、人格權或資訊自決權彼此之關係論起,進而扼要介紹該法重要內容後,復指出近年來發生重大個人資料保護事件類型,最後提出以下修法方向及意見,1.擴大「個資法」適用之範圍。2.加強蒐集資料應踐行公告後同意之程序。3.彈性認定蒐集個人資料之非公務機關,以擴大打擊面,但在配套上,以申報制取代許可制,以緩和規制面。4.將人民訴願與行政訴訟權明確化。5.建議建立人民資訊權保護之法制並體系化,以確保人民之基本權利。


Due to the advancement of Information Technology in the ”information age”, ”Computer-processed data protection Act” was enacted by the Legislative Yuan in the Republic of China (R.O.C) in 1995. The Act is divided into six chapters (General Provisions, Data Processing by The Government Agency, Data Processing by Non-government Agency, Damages and Other Remedy, Penalties, and Supplementary Provisions), 45 sections in total. ”Computer processed data protection” and ”Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law Enforcement Rules” promulgated by the Ministry of Justice constitute the basic norm of data protection in the R.O.C. Since the act has been implemented for almost eight years, some suggestions for improvement have been proposed due to the complexity of the administrative procedure; the obscurity of some statutes; the imbalance of regulation between government agency and non-government agency; and the intrusion of privacy incurred by the increasingly popular electronic business. This paper first discussed the relationship between the right to privacy, ”the right of personality” or ”right to informational self-determination; summarising, then, the main content of ”Computer-processed data protection Act”, and categorising the recent cases with regards to data protection. Finally this paper suggests the measures for further improvement as follows 1. broadening the scope of the application of the Act; 2. intensifying the notice with subject's consent; 3.clarifing the relationship between administrative petition and legation; 4. Establishing the more rigor data protection mechanism.


陳秉杉(2011)。警察機關運用監視錄影法制之研究 -以警察執法實務為中心〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100119
