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A Review to the Provision of Orphan Drugs Supply, the Development of Orphan Medicinal Products and Markets in European Union




罕病藥 罕見疾病 孤兒藥 歐盟 藥品市場


Orphan drug (rare disease drug) is necessary medication for people with rare disease. This review aims to understand the orphan drugs supply, scientific development regulation and drug market in European Union (EU) based on the analysis of recent studies or reports. The results show the EU's legislation is administered by the Committee on Orphan Medicinal Products of the European Medicines Agency, and the EU enacted regulation pursuant to which pharmaceuticals developed to treat rare diseases are referred to as "orphan medicinal products." Orphan drug status granted by the European Commission gives marketing exclusivity in the EU for 10 years after approval. The type of approved orphan drugs and drug cost expenditures are increasing gradually. The scientific development and regulations are well established and provide incentives for the development of orphan drugs in the EU. The orphan drug management system can be a good reference for Taiwan’s future health initiatives for patients with rare diseases.


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EMA. (2012). Medicines for rare diseases. Retrieved May 2012, from the World Wide Web:http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/special_topics/general/general_content_000034.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058002d4eb.
EUROPA. (2012). Member countries of the European Union. Retrieved December 28, 2012, from the World Wide Web: http://europa.eu/about-eu/countries/member-countries/index_en.htm.
EUROPA. (2012). Orphan medical products. Summaries of EU legislation. Retrieved March 15, 2012, from the World Wide Web: http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/internal_market/single_market_for_goods/pharmaceutical_and_cosmetic_products/l21167_en.htm.
