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Applying Ecological System Perspectives to Explore the Employment Predicament of One Comprehensive Vocational Subject Graduate with Intellectual Disability: A Case Study


從就學到就業的這段轉銜期,我們不能低估環境對人的影響。人的一生始終受到周遭環境的影響。從家庭環境的薰陶、父母手足的相處、校園師生的往來、社區鄰里的互動,一直到職場社會的洗禮,都不斷地與環境產生連結。生態系統理論(Bronfenbrenner, 1994)被用來解釋個體的成長發展,時時受生物因素及環境因素的交互影響。身心障礙者進入職場前,常在面臨多次挫折、謀職困難及失業的惡性循環之中,漸漸地萌生退意,最後放棄自己。如此的就業困境,引發研究者興趣,乃藉由生態系統理論,採用個案研究法,透過觀察、訪談與逐字稿編碼等方式蒐集研究資料,探討本研究個案就業困境之因素,並針對其就業困境,提出結論與建議。


We cannot underestimate the impact of the environment on people from the transition period from school to employment. People's lifetime is constantly affected by the surrounding environment. From the involvement of family surroundings, the getting along with parents and siblings, interaction with teachers and peers at school and neighbors at community, to the involvement of the workplace and society, people are constantly associated with environment. The Ecological Systems Theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1994) is applied to explain that the growth and development of the individuals are constantly affected by the interaction of biological factors and environmental factors. Before the individuals with disabilities stepped into the workplace, they might fell into the vicious circles, including coming across lots of setbacks, feeling tough to find a job, being unemployed and eventually, they gave up themselves. This situation of employment predicament leads to the interest of the researcher. It is based on Ecological Systems Theory, using case study methods, collecting the research data through observation, interview and verbatim coding, to explore the factors of employment predicament and at last, propose results and recommendations.


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