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Suicidal Tendency in Autism Spectrum Disorder


目的:本研究透過文獻回顧探討自閉類群障礙症(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)的自殺傾向及危險因子。方法:搜尋關鍵字為ASD/Asperger與suicidal/suicide的英文文獻,找出符合研究條件的十三篇臨床研究以及三篇個案報告。結果:自殺傾向在ASD個案當中的發生比例高於一般人(兒童ASD個案的自殺傾向是一般兒童的28倍,整體而言ASD個案的自殺意念發生是一般人的9倍);ASD個案身上的自殺危險因子包括精神疾病共病、生活嫌惡事件、較少接觸心理照護系統、致命性更高的自殺方式等。結論:本研究針對ASD個案自殺危險性及自殺危險因子的歸納及討論,提供未來相關研究的進一步方向。


Purpose: This study aims to review articles for suicidal tendency and suicide risk factors of patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods: A literature search found 13 clinical researches and 3 case reports eligibly. Results: Suicidal tendency was high among ASD patients (28 times among ASD children than normal children, and 9 times among ASD clients than general people, respectively). Suicide risk factors of ASD clients were comorbidity of psychiatry disorders and aversive life experience. Meanwhile, ASD clients had lesser connection with mental health care system and using more fatal suicidal methods. Conclusion: This study focus on systemic review and discussion about the suicidal tendency and suicide risk factors of patients with ASD. The result provides further perspectives for future research on suicidal risks of ASD patients.


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Cassidy, S.,Bradley P.,Robinson, J.,Allison, C.,McHugh, M.,Baron-Cohen, S.(2014).Suicidal ideation and suicide plans or attempts in adults with Asperger's syndrome attending a specialist diagnostic clinic: A clinical cohort study.The Lancet Psychiatry.1,142-147.
