  • 期刊


The Effects of Group Gender Composition on Group Conflict and Collective Efficacy: Exploring the Moderation Effects of Leader's Gender




This study examined the effect of gender combination on the group conflict and collective efficacy. The sectors of public and civilian organizations were selected as target sample. From the 114 effective responses, we got three results: (1) The group conflict of male-dominated groups is bigger than that of the female-dominated ones. (2) The collective efficacy of female-dominated groups is better than that of the male-dominated one. The response analysis is contrast to the study's assumption. We concluded that this phenomenon is moderated by leader's gender. (3) The collective efficacy of a male-dominated group led by a male leader is higher than that of a male-dominated group led by a female leader. While, there is no efficacy difference between a female-dominated group led by a male leader and a female-dominated group by a female leader. Generally speaking, the collective efficacy of a male-dominated group led by a female leader is lower. This study empirically explains the above findings.


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