  • 期刊


Transformational Leadership and Turnover Intention: Mediated by Organizational Culture and Perceived Organizational Support


本研究提出一遠程中介之理論架構,探討組織文化與組織支持在轉型領導與員工離職傾向間的遠程中介效果。樣本來自五家臺灣電子製造服務業(Electronic Manufacturing Service, EMS)公司之621名員工,以Hayes (2013)之SPSS巨集PROCESS模型6檢驗本研究模型。研究結果充分支持本研究所提出之遠程中介假設,且進一步發現組織文化和組織支持的遠程中介效果比組織文化的單一中介效果更為強大。此外,轉型領導的子構面智力激發在本研究中和其它三個轉型領導的子構面間的相關性並不高,似乎顯示臺灣EMS產業的轉型領導者較不重視智力激發。儘管如此,組織支持仍在轉型領導和員工離職傾向間扮演重要的角色。


A theoretical model of the relationships among transformational leadership, organizational culture, perceived organizational support, and employee turnover intention was developed and tested. The serial mediating effect of organizational culture and perceived organizational support was explored. Participants were drawn from five Taiwanese electronic manufacturing service (EMS) companies in the information technology (IT) sector, and 621 valid surveys were collected. Model 6 of Hayes (2013) SPSS macro PROCESS was used to test the hypotheses. The result fully supports the proposed hypotheses that organizational culture and perceived organizational support mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and employee turnover intention. It is also found that the mediating effect by organizational culture and perceived organizational support in series is even stronger than that by organizational culture alone. The critical role of perceived organizational support on turnover intention in the EMS industry was highlighted.


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