  • 期刊


Approach Their Crises in Marriage


伴隨社會結構與婚姻價值觀的改變,婚姻危機與其因應方式乃是現代社會重要的生活課題,亦是諮商輔導與臨床心理領域值得關注的研究議題。本研究旨在探討婚變婦女(含曾失婚、分居、離婚等)面對婚姻危機狀態(含婚姻衝突、婚姻暴力、外遇介入等)之心路歷程及其所採取的因應行爲。本研究採用質性研究的方法,對高雄地區四個輔導機構近一年內求助的十位婚變婦女,以一次的焦點團體法及每人一次的深度訪談法來收集、分析研究資料。研究結果彙整如下: 1.婚姻危機的發展歷程可分爲醞釀階段、衝突階段、疏離階段、處理階段及結束階段等五個時期。 2 .婚姻危機的影響層面包括生理層面(心悸、失眠、噁心、內分泌失調等)、心理層面(憤怒、沮喪、傷心、不甘心、絕望、情緒不穩等)、人際層面(孤立、封閉、抱怨、爭執、不信任、猜疑、僵化等)、家庭層面(分化、對立、結盟、糾結、混亂等)及其他層面(經濟壓力、法律困擾、職場調適、生涯再規劃等) 3.婚變婦女走過婚姻危機後所帶來的個人轉變:(1)由期待他人肯定轉爲自我增強;(2)由呆板個性轉爲做人較有彈性;(3)由依賴他人至較爲獨立自主;以及(4)生活重心自由家庭內轉移至個人的興趣與職業。 4.婚變婦女因應婚姻危機的助力與阻力因素相當不一致;惟均曾有一段時間的自我封閉,而後期待尋求專業諮商或週遭他人的協助。 5.婚變婦女面對婚姻危機的處理方式如下:(1)消極模式:逃避處理、關係決裂、自我封閉、跟蹤抓姦、與人訴苦及自我傷害等;(2)積極模式:協調溝通、改善關係、爭取權益、向人求援、尋求諮商及生涯規劃等。 針對上述研究結果,本研究提出六項研究建議,以供婚姻諮商等助人機構和專業人員的參考。


The study looks into what women go through and how they handle their marital crises when they are faced with problems such as poor relationship, separation and divorce. This is a qualitative study involving ten women who have asked for help from four social counseling institutes in Kaohsiung in this past year. The data were collected through one session of focus approach group and one in-depth interview with each subject. The findings of the study are: 1. The development of a marital crisis can be divided into five different phrases-incubation, confrontation, alienation, handling and termination. 2. A marital crisis will have an influence on the physical aspect, psychological aspect, interpersonal relationship, family and so on. 3. The personal transformation brought about after the crisis includes (1) a shift from emotional dependence to self-assertion, (2) a shift from rigid personality to flexibility, (3) a change from dependence to independence, (4) a change of focus from family to personal interest and career. 4. There is inconsistency regarding the factors that facilitate or hinder the way women ask for help. However, there is always a period of self-enclosure. 5. Women faced with marital crises handle them by being engaged either in a passive model (e.g. making complaints to people around) or in an active model (e.g. career planning.) Based on the above findings, seven suggestions have been offered for people working in related fields.


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