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A Study of the Bereavement Adjustment and the Meaning Reconstruction of a Bereaved Mother




This study was designed to explore how the mother faces the significant change of the child-death crisis and converts growth opportunity for life moment. The study was based on qualitative case study as the methodology. This result of study found the followings: The converting process on the meaning of life was inclusive of five stages: the stage before the child died, the fracture stage of meaning, the trapped stage of meaning, the relocating stage of meaning, and the fixation-stage of meaning. In these five stages, the change process began at the sudden death of the child. The mother had changed her beliefs in the meaning of life because she could not explain convincingly why she had suffered in the real world. For example: ”We could predict and control the world.”, ”Family (members) are the foundation of our life.” The mother was battered and deconstructed consequently. In the adaptation of grieved process of the interviewee gradually learned that the original worldview could not answer the suffering she encountered, the significance of re-locating live, and life experience reconstruction. she seeked for the meaning of survival anew. The significance of the restructure include: ”We can not control our lives.”, ”Death is a natural phenomenon.”, ”Give without expectation.”, ”Suffering is part of life.”, ”and expand understanding of the meaning of death.”, ”The new meaning of life continued in the course of life and to the further deepening of the certification. Finally, according to research conclusions, some comments were offered for future research and counseling practice.


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