  • 期刊

Rapid Diagnosis of Infectious Pathogens by a Routine Hematological Assay



感染症相關的快速檢驗項目雖然很多,但大部分的檢驗項目對感染病原不具特異性。為解決這個問題,我們假設嗜中性白血球的活化程度(空泡化、顆粒化或是核酸量增加)與感染病原種類有關,並以常規血液血球分析的方法測量68個患者(38 個A型流行性感冒病毒感染與30個菌血症患者)及23個健康者的嗜中性白血球的活化程度。結果發現菌血症患者的核酸量比A 型流行性感冒病毒感染者有意義的增多(p 值小於0.005)。因此,我們的方法可能可以作為區分病毒感染與菌血症的新方法。(輔仁醫學期刊 2011;9 (1):1-6)


There are many rapid laboratory tests for diagnosing infections, but most of them are non-specific for infectious pathogens. To resolve this issue, we supposed that the degree of neutrophil activation (granulation, vacuolation, and increase in nucleic acids) is related to infectious pathogens. So we used routine hematological assays to measure the degree ofneutrophil activation in 68 patients (38 of whom were infected by influenza virus type A and 30 with bacteremia) and 23 healthy individuals. Results showed that the bacteremic group had significantly higher amounts of nucleic acids than did the influenza virus type A-infectedgroup (p<0.005). Therefore, our method could be a novel solution to differentiate between viralinfection and bacteremia. (FJJM 2011; 9 (1): 1-6)
