本研究旨在透過臨床技能實作與評量(direct observation of procedural skills, DOPS)問卷,評估醫學生之學習成效,樣本來源為財團法人國泰綜合醫院,選擇該院舉辦之縫合研習營的所有實習醫學生做為評估樣本,評估者以學生在研習營中的實際表現及態度做為評估依據,於DOPS量表中勾選該名學生符合的能力範圍,共取得89分有效量表進行分析。分析結果顯示,在性別、就讀學校及年級等前因變項方面,醫學生於「告知並取得同意」、「術前準備」、「無菌技術」、「溝通能力」、「臨床專業度」及「整體適任」等六個DOPS量表的評估面項之學習成效有顯著差異。本研究建議可採用其他評估量表以進行更完整的評估,以及以學生在臨床實際照顧病人的表現作觀察標的,可對醫學生之互動能力做更精確的評量。
The performance of trainees, including their knowledge, skills, and attitudes, can be assessed under direct observation of a qualified rater. We analyzed direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) assessments used in suture workshops for medical students studying for more than 1 year. Between August 2009 and August 2010, we used DOPS to assess 89 medical students and first-year residents during suture workshops. Fifty-three DOPS assessments done by one teacher were selected for analysis; after excluding residents, 46 DOPS assessments of medical students were used in this study. There were 11 items in the DOPS rating sheet. The average age of the 46 students was 24.8 years, 30 were males and 16 females, and 27 students were from university A and the remaining 16 were from university B. Numbers of year-5, -6, and -7 students were 18, 15, and 13, respectively. Female students had superior communication skills. Students of university A were superior in two items. Grade-6 students were better than grade-5 students for two items and better than grade-7 students for one item. DOPS can be used as a formative assessment tool which provides immediate feedback to students. Female students had superior communication skills. Being a higher-grade students did not ensure a better performance. The limitation of this study was that suture simulation with porcine skin impedes communication between students and patients.[not sure what you mean in last sentence??]