  • 期刊


The Amended Infectious Disease Law and Its Impacts on Hospital Management


SARS帶來空前的災難及恐慌,全球都對此種傳播快速而可致命的疾病措手不及,由於在防疫的調查、追蹤、隔離及行動限制上的需要,造成個人隱私權、自由權及遷移權的衝突。痛定思痛,全球對法律的準備(Legal Preparedness)都有重大的變革,台灣在這方面也不落人後,高效率的通過了新版傳染病防治法。本文目的在整理與醫院管理相關之傳染病防治法規及罰責,並分為傳染病之定義、分類,通報,傳染病訊息之發佈及保密規定、醫院責任,強制防疫、檢疫、隔離措施,檢體之採檢、檢驗及消毒,以及屍體之處理等七個部分說明,以便在防疫第一線的醫院管理者及醫療同仁充分了解相關規定,且在實施上能有所依據,並避免疏乎或誤蹈法網。傳染病防治法雖大幅度增訂,但仍有21個子法規有待訂定之,仍需密切注意後續子法之規定。醫院管理界除需明瞭本文介紹的新法的主要綱要外,更應依據法律的觀點制定院內標準流程,以使我國的傳染病防治更加落實。


The SARS outbreak induced a tremendous chaos worldwide, due to its speedy dissemination and high mortality. The emergence of SARS dramatically emphasized the need for further disease control requirements of surveillance, contact tracing and isolation. However, implementation of these requirements must consider their potential to conflict with individual rights of privacy, freedom and migration. In Taiwan, significant awareness of these issues as well further amendment to the Taiwan infectious disease law is needed to prepare for such outbreaks in the future. The purpose of this study was to describe the regulations and penalties of infectious disease control law as they relate to hospital management. The content of this report, organized in 7 parts, is designed to help the hospital managers and primary health care workers understand the associated regulations and how they may impact their responsibilities in order to prevent negligence.
