  • 期刊


Morphological Analysis of Canal Wall Dentin Following Nd: YAG Laser Irradiation


目的:本研究的目的在於控制各種可能影響雷射效應的變因,以分析在不同的照射頻率、脈衝能量、照射時間及牙本質濕度下,釹雅克雷射對根管壁牙本質的作用情形。方法:選用二十七個單根管牙根,自唇舌向縱切,並除去牙髓組織,以釹雅克雷射照射。實驗變項包括:照射頻率(10,15和20pps)、脈衝能量(50,70,100和150 mJ/pulse)、照射時間(1 sec和3 sec)及牙本質濕度。處理好的標本,以Hi-scope顯微鏡錄影系統作記錄與評估。結果:提高照射功率、延長照射時間或保持牙本質的乾燥可以加強雷射對根管壁牙本質的作用。當輸出功率小於一瓦,照射時間為一秒鐘時,牙本質不會形成坑洞;然而,當輸出功率大於一瓦,照射時間為三秒鐘時,牙本質較易形成坑洞。結論:若要將雷射應用於根管治療,依據實驗結果,必須注意以下兩點:(一)操作前盡量保持根管內壁的乾燥。(二)在本實驗設定的能量範圍內,以照射頻率為10pps、脈衝能量為150mJ/pulse、照射時間一秒與照射頻率為15pps、脈衝能量為100mJ/pulse、照射時間一秒兩組較能達到理想的效果。


釹雅克雷射 根管 牙本質


Background and Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of wetness of dentin, repetition, pulse energy and irradiation time on morphology of root canal wall dentin following Nd: YAG laser irradiation. Methods: 27 single-canal roots were split labiolingually and the pulp remnants were extirpated. The specimens of experimental groups were instrumented, followed by irradiation with Nd: YAG laser. The operative variables included repetition (10, 15 and 20pps), pulse energy (50, 70, 100 and 150mJ/pulse), irradiation time (1 sec and 3 sec), and dryness or non-dryness of dentin. After preparation, the specimens were examined under Hi-scope. Results: The results were as follows: The intenser effects of lasing on root canal wall could be obtained by means of increasing the power and the irradiation time or keeping dryness of the dentin. Generally, no crater formed on root canal wall dentin at lower power level (< 1 watt) and shorter irradiation time (1sec). However, the contrary results were observed at higher power level (>1 watt) and longer irradiation time (3 sec). Conclusion: When Nd: YAG laser is used in endodontics, the followings are our recommendations: (1) Keep the canal wall as dry as possible before lasing. (2) In order to increase the lasing effects, it is better to adopt proper irradiation condition such as 10pps, 150mJ/pulse, 1sec. and 15pps, 100mJ/pulse, 1sec.


Nd: YAG laser root canal dentin
