  • 期刊


A Survey of Workplace Health Promotion Issues and Priority in Taipei City


目的:調查台北市職場對於健康促進議題的需求與排序,以規劃切合需求的職場健康管理課程與健康促進活動。方法:本研究為非隨機取樣(non-randomized study)研究。以參加95年度台北市職場健康評核說明會的職場代表為對象,調查受訪者的性別、年齡、職場年資與職務,職場類別與規模;並自評「職場健康促進評核配分」五項範疇的重要性,給予重新配分;再請受訪者針對十項健康議題,依各自的學習需求程度分別給予一至五級的評分。出席職場健康評核說明會的事業單位代表共有260位,扣除答題方式不正確或不完整者、進入職場未滿半年者,得有效問卷199份,再以SPSS 11.0統計軟體分析,比較受訪者對於健康促進議題的需求與排序。結果:受訪的199位職場代表包括男性71位,女性128位,平均年齡39.2±10.6歲;擔任職場人事管理員者77位,勞工衛生安全人員45位,醫護人員36位,其他41位;職場員工人數在300人以下者52家,300人以上者147家;包括辦公室文書作業120家,工廠與營造業14家,飯店與醫療院所各9家,以及其他47家。檢測問卷「職場健康促進評核配分」五個選項與「健康議題學習需求排序」十個選項的相關性如下:「健康促進政策與自主管理」的配分比重與「健康促進組織的建構與推動」、「健康促進計畫與成效評估」的學習需求排序,呈顯著相關;生理、心理健康促進的配分與「健康飲食之實務推動」、「職場心理健康之實務推動」的排序,分別呈顯著相關。全體受訪者對於十項「職場健康促進議題」學習需求的優先排序,依序分別為:健康環境管理、健檢分級管理、職場心理健康、依據健檢訂定計畫、無菸職場、健康促進委員會、健康體能、健康飲食、健康促進成效、哺乳親善環境。對於排序第十的哺乳親善環境之學習需求,男性與女性之間並無顯著差異。員工人數300人以下與300人以上的職場,以及辦公室與非辦公室的職場,對於「職場健康促進評核」五項範疇的配分並無顯著差異。結論:受訪者對於職場健康議題的學習需求,前三項依序為:健康環境管理、健檢分級管理、職場心理健康;突顯出都會區以辦公室為主要工作場所的職場健康問題,也因為勞工健康保護規則的近期增修,本年度的健康管理學習課程,需要列入「健檢分級管理」的議題。未來進行職場健康促進與評核時,仍需再一次探討職場健康議題的優先排序,並評估健康介入計劃的成效,做為規劃整體職場健康照護網絡的參考。


Background and Purpose: Evaluating the priority setting of workplace health promotion issues in Taipei, and developing the program of workplace health assessment and health promotion. Method: Investing the represents from Taipei workplaces participated in the Workplace Health Promotion Workshop, May 2006. Respondents allocated 100 scores to five domains of workplace heath promotion issues, and rated five-point scale scores for learning need in each issue. The questionnaire included age, sex, workplace position of respondents and type, size of the workplaces, and the allocated scores and rated scores of workplace health promotion issues were analyzed with SPSS11.0. Result: There were 260 workplace represents participated in the workshop, 199 respondents completed the valid questionnaires, 71 males, 128 females, mean age 39.2(±10.6) years old; 52 small workplaces (members less than 300), 147 large workplaces. The allocated scores of ”health promotion policy and self-management” were significant correlated with the rated scores of ”planning, Implementation of health promotion committee”, ”designing, evaluating workplace health promotion program”. The allocated scores of physical, mental health promotion were respectively significant correlated with the rated scores of implementation of workplace healthy diet, stress management. Comparing the small workplace and large workplace, there was no significant difference in the allocated scores of the health promotion issues. The learning need of ten workplace health promotion issues were ordered as following: management and assessment of healthy working environment, periodic health examination and surveillance, planning and implementation of workplace stress management. The rated scores for learning need of breastfeeding friendly workplace were no significant difference between females and males. Discussion: This study revealed that the respondents assessed whole workplace health and evaluated the individual learning need of health promotion issues relatively. Different kinds of workplaces should be invited to participate in the program of workplace health promotion. Further study should be designed to evaluate the effect of health promotion and to develop further intervention program.


洪莠茹(2010)。職場員工從事規律運動行為及其相關因素之研究 -以某專業文教機構為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315201619
