  • 期刊


Infectious Mononeucleosis Combined with Facial Palsy


感染性單核球增生症(Infectious mononeucleosis, IM),是兒童時期以及青少年時期常見的疾病,最常見的致病原因是由於Epstein-Barr病毒感染所引起的。一般人因感染到EB病毒而引起的IM,通常臨床症狀是相當輕微的,有些人甚至沒有臨床上的表徵。但是,根據國外文獻上記載,因為EB病毒引起感染性單核球增生而導致神經病變之併發症之病例是有發生過的,約佔IM病人的1%左右。台北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區經歷一病例為35歲男性病人,因肝功能異常及脾臟腫大先於腸胃科門診追蹤,後來因突發性左側顏面神經麻痺,轉至耳鼻喉科門診就診,經血液及血清檢查,證實為一因EB病毒引起之IM併發左側顏面神經麻痺之病例,經以口服類固醇治療並於門診追蹤,病人在3個禮拜後顏面神經完全恢復正常,追蹤至今也沒有相關之後遺症出現。此為一罕見之病例,特別提出報告,並就IM之臨床症狀、診斷、治療及預後提出討論。


Infectious mononeucleosis (IM) is a disease frequently seen in childhood and teenagers. The most common reason for causing the disease is infected by Epstein-Barr virus. In general, people with IM manifest quite slightly clinical symptoms; some people even show no clinical symptom at all. However, according to the literature, neurologic complication had actually occurred, which accounts for around 1% of IM patients [2]. Taipei City Hospital Ren-Ai branch experienced a 35-year-old man, traced by department of gastroenterology because of abnormal liver function and splenomegaly, later consulted with otolaryngologist for his abrupt onset of left side facial paralysis. Diagnosis was confirmed with Epstein-Barr virus antibody panel. The patient had been treated with oral steroids along with outpatient tracing; the facial palsy was completely recovered at the end of 3-weeks treatment, and there is no sequela noted till now. This case is rare and particularly presented here for further discussion of clinical symptom, diagnosis, treatment, as well as prognosis.
